Saturday, May 5, 2012

Enemy (Part 18)

Sorry for the short post! 


"Akrah ili bagoola al7een, bas zain inni shtfich."

I couldn't believe what he was saying so I stopped in my tracks.

"Tadreen laish?" he asked, his silhouette framed by the steel fence.

"La2." I replied, hugging onto my towel, the water dripped from my hair to my face, then on the floor. Not to mention the fact that I was shivering intensely. 

"Akhaleech tfakreen fee." he replied slyly. The man turned away and disappeared from the fence, I stood in my place unknowingly. 

What did he mean by that? 
I did not want it to have a large affect on me so I just let it go. 

I walked up the stairs, his sentence still rang in my head.
I saw Majid after eight month of not seeing him, which were pretty heavenly. I did not miss him, I did not care about his existence. Nothing. 

I opened the door to my and Reem's room and barged in, Reem was sound asleep. As I had expected she did not inform me that she was going to sleep. Typical Reem.

I glanced through the window which faced the facade of Majid's modern chalet. The lights of the room in front of ours were on, which I guessed was his room for the night. 
My fingers searched the switch for the bathroom lights amidst the dark, they finally turned on as I stepped inside for a nice, long shower.

After what seemed like fourty-five minutes of my showering, I finally stepped out of the bathroom, not bothering to blow-dry my hair. I turned off the lamp beside my bed, resulting complete darkness in the room except for the light coming from the window. Soon enough Majid turned off his light too. The only illumination was from the moon, our common source of light.

I sighed as I said du3a'a ilnom and slowly drifted off sleep, my mind was too tired to think of anything, especially my Majid encounter. Honestly, I was grateful I did not think about it, because I did not want to think about it at all.


"May goomay!" I heard my girl cousins yell in my ears.
I groaned and stuffed my face in the pillow as they yanked the blankets off my body.

"Uff bas!" I shouted.
"May! Ma ra7 t9adgeen minu shfna!" Reem started to yell while bouncing.
"Adri, Majid." I replied with a sleepy voice.

My cousins gasped.
"Ubai shdarach?" Badriya asked in shock.
"L2ani shfta ams." I replied, I regretted telling them that, now they wouldn't leave me alone.
"Chathaba!" all three girls yelled in unison.
"Wallah, inzain please khalooni anam! Agoolikum kilshay itha khalaitooni anam." I told them, covering myself with the blanket they had yanked.

"Uff inzain bas latnameen wayid! 7adi abi a3arif!" Reem said again. I ignored her and tried to go back to sleep, they all thankfully left the room. 

I twisted and turned, the blanket tied a knot around my legs. It was clearly meant for me not to sleep, but I was too lazy to get up and too lazy to tell them what had happened at midnight. 

I glanced at the clock, it was nearly 1:00 in the afternoon and my stomach was grumbling. I had to get out of bed sometime. I counted to ten before hopping out of bed, shivering as the cold wind from the AC hit me.

I changed into jeans and a shirt hurriedly, I glanced at myself briefly in the mirror. My overnight wavy hair fell on my shoulders, my tan was visible, and it looked good. 

My legs sprinted downstairs as I saw my cousins outside tanning by the pool. 
I grabbed an apple and met them outside, "Ga3adt!"I announced.

"Yallah!" Badriya said excitedly, her skin was shiny from the tanning lotion.
I sat at the foot of her beach chair, my two other cousins stared at me intently, their eyes focused on mine, as if they wanted to relive what I'd seen.

I explained to them how we awkwardly met, what happened after we had met, and what he told me. 
Shaikha's lips formed an O and later melting into a smile, sad to say my other cousins did the same thing.

"Chathaba!" Reem yelled.
"Ushh la ysmi3ich!"I told her, looking around, but his lights were still off and there wasn't any sound coming from his chalet. 

"Kaifa! Ubai May 7ada '3areeb! Ma suwat 3alaina shalaihna yamma uff!" Badriya complained, her pixie-short hair shone in the sun. 

"Agoolich," Shaikha concurred. "Tanning?" she offered.
"Okay khanabadil." I replied, because I sure as hell wasn't going to tan in my jeans and half-sleeved t-shirt. 

I ran back up to my room and picked out my swimsuit along with my swimming shorts and half-sleeved rash guards from my closet then changed into them in the fastest speed of my life. Ever. I ran down again and got outside, Badriya handed me the tanning oil as I slathered it on my body, there weren't any men around us thankfully so we used our privacy privileges. 

Shaikha turned on her iPod and placed it on the speaker, filling our ears with her retro music taste. I took off my half-sleeved rash guards and stayed in my sleeveless one piece bathing suit, and actually one piece this time. 

We got ourselves ice-cold drinks from the fridge and continued tanning, we surely were going to turn into ashes by the end of the day. 

"Ubai!" Reem yelled out, she started screaming. I nearly spat out my drink.
"Shfeech?" I asked, Reem hurriedly wrapped herself with a towel as I glanced above me, covering my eyes with my hand. Majid was out in the balcony, dressed in only his swimming shorts, and he was looking at us weirdly...I guessed if Reem had shut up he would be inside right now. 

"Majid please dish dakhil." I told him while tugging on my rash guards. 
"Kani dash bas khara3atni hathi, 7asbali feekum shay." he complained. 
"La maku shay, hathi khtar3at minnik." I explained, he tried to muffle his laughter but he failed, his expression nearly made me laugh in front of him so I turned my back at him and started laughing softly. 

"Asif, kamlaw iltan malkum." he shouted out to my cousins, each girl bundled up in her towel as if they were in Antarctica or something.

Reem huffed and took off her towel once Majid stepped inside, "Waiii 8aleel iladab!" 
"Reem intay ili nabahtee." I pointed out.
"Gidar ishoofna, still!" she defended herself. Right. 

I poured myself some iced tea and lounged back on the pool chair. My fingers placed my earphones in my ears, the calm music entered as it swiftly played with my emotions and my thoughts. A funny thing music was, who knew such a thing could create such great impact?

Reem yanked my "wires of tranquility".
"Na3am!" I yelled out, my privacy was interrupted. 
"Bndish." Reem stated.
"Okay bal7agkum 3ugub shwaya." I told her. She nodded and stepped inside the chalet, I almost placed my earphones in my ears when Majid's voice interrupted the action. 

"Mita btrideen ilshalaih?" he asked from his balcony. I gasped and huddled the towel over my body, his eyes weren't on me however, he was looking straight at the water in front of his balcony.

"Umm madri laish?" I yelled out. He turned to check if I was decent,
"Bas ba3arf, khan6awil akthar mn thiman tashhr." he suggested.
 I wished.
"Okay bas shlon in3arif minu biyi?" I asked.

He paused for a moment as he started to think, "3indich ra8mi wala misa7tee?" he asked.
My eyebrows tied into a knot, "Msa7ta laish?" 
"Ikhthee oo ra7 agoolich mita bayi, oo intay 6arsheeli mita ra7 tiyeen," he said, leaning on the balcony railings, "n6arrish messages a7san mn la inshoof ba3a'6, 3adil?" he asked.
"Okay, good. Cham ra8mik?" I asked, switching to my notes on my iPod.
He told me his number which I saved. 
"Oo ham yt6aba8 hni itha tabeen, oo kh9oo9an 7ag hatheech 3ashan matkhtir3 minni. Ra7 as2lich mita agdar a6la3." he said, he licked his lips before continuing, "Oo atwaqqa3 hathi akher mara bnshoof ba3a'6, madri laish 7as. Yallah, good luck b 7ayatich, oo May?" 
I was so caught up with his words that I paused for three second second, "Huh?" 
He smiled."La tinsain ilmessages."
The man waved for one final time before heading back inside his room. 

I was relieved but at the same time, I was sort of sad. I loved that hate I had for him while he was around, it 
Well at least I had his number now. 


  1. I feel he is loves her but he just playing along just so he could keep seeing her. if you get what i mean. He is annoying actually. He should just come out straight and say it!

    1. LOL that makes a lot of sense! We'll see if that's actually the case! :D

  2. I hate how I love his personality sometimes! Its weird how he acts ya3nii what's the bennefit of smsing each other?
    Yallaa nabee n3arif shy9eer ;***

    1. LOL true true! ;P Inshallah, thanks for commenting! :*

  3. Aren't you going to continue Half way around the world? I really liked that story -A

    1. Come on!post pleeez, we are waiting for your lovely story x

    2. Hey A, yes I never leave anything incomplete, I've been having some trouble with it lately so I thought I'd catch a break for something to actually form!

      Anon: Inshallah! :D

  4. And I hate that I loooove you -Rihanna's voice-

  5. AMAZING when are you join to post a new chapter -M ? please post sooon :(

  6. Pleaase post ASAP!
    Loved the post<3


  7. next chapter plz !!!!!!
    Cant wait this is my favorite story !!!
    Cant wait for them to exchange messages hahah and then bring in the love doctor ;P

    1. Awww I'm oh-so flattered! :D LOL sounds like a promising idea! Hmm...


  9. POST



  11. Woww i just started reading ur blog a few days ago and i loveed it<3 !!
    Cant wait for you to post again xo

    *D <3

  12. Plzz post soon!

    I love this story! I can't wait to know what's going to happen!

  13. Why didddd you stop writing half way around the world :(

    1. I have a huge writer's block, but I'll complete it inshallah!

  14. PLEASE POOST !!!
