Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Enemy (Part 17)

Sorry for the late post, I've had a really busy day!
Anonymous commenters I'd really love it if you left your initials or something so I can distinguish you from others!
Thank you so much, and your comments encourage me a lot! 


Eight months later.

I plopped down on my bed right next to Reem's. 
I got a job about a week ago, after months of waiting and waiting. It wasn't as prestigious and as paying as my last job, but as long as that person was not there I was all for the job. 

Speaking of him, I hadn't seen him ever since we'd ran into each other in Maki. That was it. I got my stuff from the office without seeing him, and I was thankful. I was in heaven.

Reem and I wanted to celebrate my employment by going to the chalet. So it was just myself, Reem and two other girl cousins with their brothers who had absolutely nothing to do with us. At all.

I glanced at the clock next to me, it was 12:30 AM. A wild idea popped in my head, 
"Reem lich khilg tsbi7een?" I asked, my two other cousins, Sara and Badriya were in the other room asleep after a long day of swimming in the pool and walking by the beach next to the chalet. 

Reem was busy texting with her phone, so I had to repeat myself to her. Reem shook her head, her eyes, and most probably her mind, were focused on her phone.

I sighed and got up from my bed and opened my neon pink suitcase-yes, I was embarrassed to own this type of suitcase- and forcefully pulled out my one-piece swim suit, half-sleeved rash guards, and swimming shorts. 

I hurriedly changed in the bathroom before it got too late to swim. I slipped on my flip-flops and grabbed a towel from the cabinet next to the door. 
"Nadeeni lai kntay btnameen okay?" I asked her. She nodded with her eyes on the screen, I hoped she wouldn't forget. Shakilha btinsa. 

I ran downstairs and outside the chalet, and placed my towel on the chair next to out pool. It was hard trying to ignore Majid's chalet in front of ours, it was separated by a modern steel wall that had some slots in it, sort of revealing the other side. 

The lights of the chalet were off, and I was thankful. I looked around for the 7aris or any person but it was safe. The walls covered me from anyone on the streets, but there weren't any walls covering me from anyone on the beach. And no one was there anyway. 

I decided to stay in my white one-piece bathing suit, there was not a single soul around. I placed my shorts and rash-guard on top of my towel and bundled my light brown hair in a fat bun. I dipped my toes in the pool, it was at a perfect temperature. 

This time, I sat at the edge of the pool and pushed myself inside, the water greeted my body. My skin shuddered at the coldness of the water from the openings in my bathing suit; a swirl showing off the left side of my stomach, and an opening at the back. 

I dipped my head inside, the water brushed against my face and my hair, teasing it playfully. My arms circled the water, creating small ripples against the surface, reflecting the brightness of the mysterious white moon above me. 

My breath was steady at the sound of my heartbeats thumping in my ears beneath the water. I popped my head out of the water and wiped the excess off my eyes, and took in a deep breaths of air as the night breeze brushed my hair and tingled my skin. 

I pushed myself out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool, taking a break. The sounds of disturbed water were still in my ears despite the current calmness of the pool.


It certainly wasn't the sea as it was a bit far from us, but this sound was more audible, more clear, it sounded like it belonged to...the chalet next to us. 

I gasped and got up from the edge. I wasn't sure if there was anyone in the chalet in front of us, as the lights weren't on. But someone was using the pool, either Majid or one of his cousins who frequently came to the chalet. 

I walked up next to the fence separating us and peeked through the slots of the fence, I saw someone's head, but his facial features were blocked. 

The mysterious person cleared his throat. "Umm mayohich ibyain." the voice said out loud.
I gasped and quickly hid next to the fence without the slots, my face turned red. This was awkward.

"Asfa khtara3t, 7asbali maku a7ad." I said outloud, my back was pressed against the cold metal, I nearly shrieked when my semi-bared stomach touched the fence.
I heard that person scoff, I rolled my eyes, could that person get more obnoxious? 

The sounds of splashing water decreased at the water became still, I concluded that that person was not in the pool anymore. I was stuck, if I moved to cover myself he'd see me again through the slots. 

"Umm aroo7?" I yelled out, it was so awkward.
"Troo7een wain?" that voice called out.
"Baroo7 akhith foo6ti, akhaf tshoofni." I replied. Boy was I screwed.
"Khala9 3ugub shnu? Shftich oo khalla9t." 

I seriously wanted to slap him. 

"Min 9iji, latshoof." I replied back a bit more stern.
"Fee bint tisba7 broo7ha hal 7azza?" the voice spoke again.
"Shrayik tkhali rayik 7ag nafsik oo tkhaleeni a6oof?" I said, I was fed up. 
"Ashoofich 9aira jaree2a 3ugub ilmessajat." 

I knew it. I absolutely knew it.

I scoffed at him, "Tuwaqqa3t." I said. 
I heard his voice a bit away from the fence, as if he was pulling on a shirt, "Shkithir 6awalna? Sina?" 
"Thiman tashhur." I corrected, my back still pressed against the wall.
"3adat'hum ba3ad." 
"Accountant, shtabi ba3ad?" I retorted, I heard him roar with laughter. I rolled my eyes and walked, ma 3alay minna. Scratch walk, more like ran. I wrapped myself with a towel and pulled on my shorts.

"Lail7een agdar ashoofich." Majid commented.
"Majid. 9eer rayyal oo '3a6 3yoonik." I said, my loathe for this man was still there and going strong.
He roared with laughter again. 
"May garbay 3indi." he ordered, a tone of humor tingled his voice. 
I was pretty much decent so I walked up to him, I knew he wouldn't leave me alone.

I stood in front of the man I hadn't seen in months. The fence blocked out parts of his face, his eyes however was still as strong as ever, his thick eyelashes were wet from the water, his lips were moistened. His wet hair was pulled away neatly from his face.
I hated him. 

"Shinu?" I asked stubbornly, trying to break away from his mystifying gaze. He was good.
He broke into a devilish smile, his teeth flashed despite the darkness of the night. 
"Mahagaitich tsmi3een kalami." he said, his smile bigger and bigger.
I rolled my eyes, "7asbali 3indik salfa." 
He roared with laughter for the third time this night. 

"May?" he asked more seriously this time.
"Na3am Majid?" I said, obviously fed up.

"Akrah ili bagoola al7een, bas zain inni shtfich."


  1. Another cliff hanger?:( Wai3 Majid 7mar,If I was May I would punch him in the face. Can't wait until the next post,when is it?:p

    1. LOL sorry! I didn't know it was sucha. Cliffhanger!:/

  2. la 3ad had gazarteeha cliff hanger. wala tara you'll lose some loyal followers min cliff hangers

    1. Sorry, I did not intend for it to be that dramatic :/ I just had to end it at some point and each point will be a cliffhanger. Thanks for informing me though :*

  3. Amazing post. madre laish a7es theyll love eachother

  4. Post asap please!!

  5. Cliff hangers make the story interesting! and any "loyal" reader will stay loyal to your amazing style of writing! can't wait to see what happens, loved this postttt made me laugh xx

    1. Awww thank you SO much, sweetie! It means a lot!:D Haha glad it did!

  6. Majed 8i9aa lan yafhamha ilaaa intaay :p iynzarfiz bas ham iywanis!
    Loved the post by the way ;*

    1. Sorry for the late reply! Haha true true!
      Thank you!

  7. I feel like something is going to happen between those twoo! May and Majid the M&M's!

    Loved the post as usual!:D


    1. Maybe! :D LOL great nickname! XD
      Thank you Munirah! :*

    Plz post !!
