Thursday, April 26, 2012

Enemy (Part 16)

Much hate for Majid, I see! 


My eyes scanned his foul, distasteful message repeatedly, my lips formed a wide O as I carried to read continuously.
I was disgusted at this selfish, cocky person who had no doubts about sending me this brusque message, filled with mockery and hate. 
That professional side of him melted as the arrogance in him surfaced, making me fill with repugnance. 

"Ubai. 8aleel iladab, 7a8eer, wa9ikh, g6ee3a! May shbtrideen 3alaih?" Reem asked, her eyes filled with bewilderment, I guessed it was not just me who got scarred by the message.
I could not reply to her, he left me paralyzed. 
"May?" she repeated. 
"Umm madri, mani rada 3alaih." I told her, I stuffed the phone in my purse, I did not want to look at the message again.
"Ilaw3 ilchabd, wai3 ubai lail7een mani m9adga!" Reem complained. 

Without her consent I ordered the check, I did not feel like eating, and surely Reem lost her appetite after reading that disgusting message.
Sick message. 


The cold sheets tingled my soft skin as I slid inside. I stretched out my arm to turn off the bed lamp  beside me. I knew I would not sleep until I'd accomplished something I was recoiling from. 
I stretched my other arm out of the bed again, grabbing the black purse from the floor. I pulled out my phone, ignoring the number of messages I'd gotten.

I hadn't deleted his message despite my aggravation and abhorrence towards it. I just couldn't. 

I took a deep breath as I thought of the perfect words to reply. 

You finally realized that. 
I'm not avoiding you, I'm just avoiding what you bring with your presence, something that is not pleasant to either of us. If not everyone.
I hope I don't run into you either, you don't deserve to be around me. Yes, you are an ass. A major one too. 
I don't regret saying any of that because, as you said, we will never meet again. Ever.
You're also a sadistic jerk. The more the merrier, right? 
I'm glad I got that off my chest, I really am glad. Offended? 
I don't give a f*ck.
I hope you have a great, great life as well. 
I know I'll finally be having one. Thank you for all the damage you caused, it really worked. 

I didn't realize how big my smile was. 
I didn't care how childish my message sounded like, it was nothing compared to Majid's. 
He did not show me respect. Well guess what.
In order to get respect you have to earn it. 
Right now, he was broke.

I slammed my phone with pride on the table next to me, I couldn't sleep from the excitement, which I found pretty funny. 

Yet it flashed. 

I never expected you to reply, and I never expected myself to reply. 
What a message, May. What a message. 
The inner b*tch of you is back in action, I'm proud.
And you're welcome. 
It was f*cking worth it. ;)

Those "apologies" were never true. My eyes started to water, I could not believe myself.
I was tearing up over a stupid message. 

I bet you make your parents proud with your matchless respect to girls. 
I can't believe I befriended you once. 
I can't believe how much I trusted you, had trusted you.
Now you're nothing. You're absolutely nothing. 

I wiped that meaningless tear off my cheek, I tried so hard to keep that tear from falling, but what came up had to come down. 

My parents are none of your issue.
And unlike yours, they're actually proud of me. Very proud.
Well too bad.
Because I can't believe how I nearly fell for you once.
Now you're nothing. You're absolutely nothing.

My heart ripped. 
I re-read that sentence again. 
I can't believe how I nearly fell for you once. 

He never had discussed how he felt about me, now this was a complete surprise.
And the word "surprise" did not suffice.

Deleting your number from my phone and you from my life. 
Have a good night.

I wiped off the final tear as I deleted our conversation, our whole conversation.

I did not know why I wasn't elated now Majid was out of my life for good.
No more threats.
No more bad memories.
No more doubts and insecurity.

My enemy was gone, I was free, out of my cocoon, out of my cage. 
Strangely I hadn't felt like a butterfly.
I guessed the reason was because of that one sentence Majid had typed. One sentence ruined it all. 
Howbeit, I did not like him. I did not have feelings for such a monster, it would be bestiality if I had any.
And it was disgusting.

I turned off my phone and forced a smile on my face. I was never going to see Majid again. Forever.
That thought lit up a sincere smile. 

But was that really true?  


    Pleae post ASAP <3!


  2. omg :( it's getting really interesting to see where this story is going!

  3. Majed is an A** I hate him min kil galbe :)

  4. Loveeed!
    Cant wait for ur next post :*


  5. I really feel like punching majid in the face! -.- Loved this post as always! When's the next one?:p


  7. It's becoming a day ritual to check Enemy and Strangers, love them both and I love how your writing is actually NOT SHALLOW and realistic! much love xx

    1. Awwww thank youuuu! I'm so so flattered! Thank you so much! :D

  8. i'm reading your story for more than an hour :o it's amazing ! amazing writer mashallah , don't stop please ! by the way , i don't know why but i think she's gonna fall for him , EXITED , well bye i'm going to read the next chapter XD<3
