Sunday, April 15, 2012

Enemy (Part 12)

Surprise post!

Just for clarification, there is no competition between myself and other bloggers. I write for the love of writing. I don't care about the popularity. Comprendo?


Re: Vent?

My heart turned to a beat-box as my eyes read the words intently. He said he won't reply...
I hesitated to click on the Open E-Mail button, but it was going to be opened inevitably. It was just a matter of when.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, to prepare for what I was going to face. Alas, the beat-boxing returned.

Re: Vent?

I know what you're thinking, I broke part of my promise. And for that I'm sorry. I read your e-mail and couldn't dare leave it unreplied. I just couldn't.
And you're right, you aren't supposed to let your personal issues interfere with your professional life.
My apology was nothing; as much as I felt sorry that was all I could say. I was humiliated.
You think I look at you like I completely forgot what had happened? I still haven't forgotten, I almost did but you're forcing me to go back there.
I may not have showed much effort to gain your apology. I wanted you to forget what had happened, but that obviously didn't work. Nothing will, so I gave up, I give up.
I didn't choose to be your bossB. I'm sorry but if that's the way you feel, I can recommend you to other companies who would love to have you there.

Well that wasn't apathetic at all...
I glanced at the clock beside me, my day at work was finished in five minutes.
I composed a new e-mail.

Re: Re: Vent?

So you just want to forget all that happened?
You don't sound sympathetic at all.
You're still the person behind your plans to make my life a living hell. I thought you'd changed.
Guess what? You haven't.
I still don't know how many personalities there are under your skin. There's the Majid whom I trusted, who cared about what I felt, then there was the Majid that enjoyed watching me suffer.
Coming to think of it, I don't think the former exists anymore, he's dead. I do believe it's the latter is who's reading this e-mail right now.
Am I right?

I clicked send. My skin burned as I waited for the reply.

Wainich? Reem texted me.

Ba6awil, I'll catch up with you later. I texted back.

Re: Vent?

My adrenaline levels paced up as I clicked on the button, I wasn't scared anymore. What was I supposed to be scared of?

There are no multiple personalities living inside me, May.
I've been me all along, I just showed my different perspectives with different people, that's all.

I scoffed while rolling my eyes and continued reading.

I want to forget that they happened, because they are unpleasant memories. Why burden ourselves with them?
I'm not just talking about me, I'm talking about you too. Let the past be the past.

Hypocrisy and contradictions are what filled his e-mail. Spattered with lies and conceitedness. Could he get any worse? I composed a new mail for the third time.

Re: Re: Vent?

As much as I want to forget them, I can't. It's not because I have to see you five days a week, but it's because I have to see you five days a week and not remember a bit of remorse from you.
All in all, I've been expecting an apology. You want to forget, but you can't forget before you forgive.

I wiped a tear that nearly escaped my eye, remebering the past was hard, trying to forget it was even harder. I started to remember the events that had happened, how he all got passed it. How my cousins offended me with their harsh words, making me live in constant insecurities and pain. The screen lit up again.

Re: Vent?

I am sorry for what I did. I tried to show it but you obviously didn't get the hints. Want to get a second apology?
I'm deeply sorry for everything that I've done to you.
I just hope this is sufficient enough for the both of us to let the past go. I was naive and stupid, and you were the bait. I set you free -I did a long time ago, but it seems like you're still holding on to the hook.
Am I right?

His apology was through e-mail, great.

Re: Re: Vent?

No you're not. I'm free from you and your ways, not speaking job-wise.
As for your apology it's what I wanted to hear and not read. I want to hear it from you.

I clicked send, I hated this person further and further.


I gave you my apology. I think you're just being selfish. I'm going to exit my office once I get your last e-mail, you still have a day more, though.

Selfish? How was I being selfish? My fingers typed up the final e-mail.

Re: Re: Vent?

I don't see how I'm being selfish. Compared to your previous behaviors, I'm being a damn saint.
I'll meet you outside.

I wasn't afraid to confront him. This time, I owned him.
I packed up my stuff and grabbed my remaining folders from my desk. Majid exited the office with a stern look on his face. I walked up to him speedily, ignoring the never-ending pain of my heels.

"Bakalmich." He told me.
"Ana ba3ad bakalmik." I replied. We walked to a secluded area, avoiding the looks of the remaing employees.

"E-mailatch are getting out of hand." he replied, his dark brown eyes staring deeply into mine.
"Gltli a6arishlik ay shay abee. Hathi ili abee." I retorted.
He bit his lip in aggravation, "Ma kan 8a9di chithi."
"Hatha ili fahamtni."

He sighed as he looked at me, "Sorry, okay?" he nearly spat.
I ignored him and looked around.
"Please insay ili 9ar, ga3d i'6irich akthar mn ma yenfi3ich," He started to beg."Ta2asaftlich oo akthar mn mara, oo hatha gabl sintain, May please."

I sighed and looked at him, he looked regretfull. He was under my control, just what I was aiming for.

"Ashoof." I replied, I wanted to make him suffer. I grabbed my purse from the floor and started to walk away from Majid. The elevator opened up as I stepped inside. My mobile screen lit up.

Bring it up again and I have no choice but to fire you, I'm sorry. I just can't tolerate your bringing up the past anymore. I've changed, I wish you'd leave that hook of yours and just realize that. I've done what you've asked me to do to gain your trust, to let you move on. But your stubborness is getting in the way of everything. Either you move on or let me stay out of it,

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