Sunday, April 15, 2012

Enemy (Part 3)

Thank you all so much for the comments! Love you all! :**

By the way I S.U.C.K at business, so if there are any terms I used wrong, please let me know!

Part 3, enjoy. ;D


My lips parted in a wide O. I noticed a coworker gaping at me, then I came to realization that my mouth was still opened to the max. I quickly hurried out and went to the bathroom to call Reem.

After the third ring, she finally answered, my heart was pounding beneath my skin.


"Reem! Majid bi9eer ilmudeer!" I blurted out.

"Shnu?" She exasperated. 

"Ee b9eer ilmudeer!" I concured.

"Yallah 3ad!"


"Matgdireen tkalmeen mudeerch 3ashan tnta8lain mukan thani?"

"La 7lfay Reem, ra7 ishk inna fee shay oo ana awa7da mali khlg salfa shkubrha!"

"Umm quit?"
She made it sound too easy.

"Ba3dain wain asht'3l? Oo again, too suspicious."

"Hmm...maku illa ta7amilaina.

I sulked, "Mabi." I knew, however that was my final choice.

"May, lazm t9eereen confident!"

"Ufff okay okay, ashoofch soon, bye."

"Gooleeli shi9eer! Bye!"


I went back to my desk and typed on the computer, 'It' was moving around and checking everyone's work, and my turn was coming up very soon. He was soon approaching my desk, his scent differed than what it had been two years ago, howbeit it had that same shared "Majid" factor that I missed. 

I sensed his steps, and he straightened up. It was obvious that he didn't want our past to affect anything now.Jana, a coworker, was showing It around.

"Oo hathi May Al-T."

'It' didn't say a word, 'It' simply grabbed the files from my desk and looked through them. Avoiding contact with my eyes, we both knew what would happen if we did maintain eye contact.

'It' finally spoke, "Hatha sh'3lch?"

I replied sternly, "Ee."

I didn't put the 'na3am' after the ee, 'It' did not deserve respect.

Jana cleared her throat and raised her eyebrows at me, giving me the biggest hint to say 'na3am'. I still didn't say it. 'It' raised an eyebrow at me, and 'It's look was poisonous.

"Intay mas2oola 3an mu7asabat il8sm?"

"Ee." I said again.

Jana rolled her eyes in disbelief.

It half-smiled, with a hint of mockery in his voice, "3ayal abeech tkhal9eenli kl hal malafat 3ugub sa3a."

Was he serious?

"Asfa bas ma3t8d ra7 yamdi."

Jana interrupted us and gave me an intimidating look, "La ra7 yamdi inshallah, tkhalli bmaktibik 3ugub sa3a."

"Inshallah." It replied, he gave me a dirty look and left.

"Mumkn i7tiram zyada, May?" Jana asked. I pulled off my best innocent face, I wasn't in the mood for her nor for anyone else.

"Ee inshallah, asfa." I added.

Someone was going down.
And was not going to be me.

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