Sunday, April 15, 2012

Enemy (Part 8)

Mahagait people still read my blog :P This post goes out to Anonymous no 2. who requested a pre-new year post! 


6agait my alarm clock ili kan yam frashi, I was so tired last night I didn't bother taking off my makeup. It was 6:45, 7asait chini bl mtwasi6. And four hours of sleep wasn't enough!

I rubbed my eyes as I opened my closet, pulled out some trousers and a jacket, and checked my phone. There was one text from Reem about me meeting up for dinner tonight with some friends.

I was too tired for work, bas lazim aroo7, I can't not go.

After I was done changing and had breakfast, I popped into my car and headed to work, Reem won't be there, sleep took charge.  I waited at the ishara 3ind shari3 dimash8, a message popped up on my screen.

GM, btdawmeen ilyom?

It was from my mysterious caller, who wasn't mysterious anymore, Fahad.

I texted him back with my eyes on the traffic light.

GM, ee I'm on my way, ba'3ait shay? 

The light turned green and I drove till I stopped again on the next traffic light, I read the new message from him.

Mmm laa bas mahagaitich tdawmeen :P. 

Seriously? At 7:30 am he sends me that?

Laa mdawma :P 

Then he sends me a message as soon as the traffic light was green.

Inzain rakzay b6ireejich il2ishara kha'6ra!

I gasped, how did he know?

I heard someone honk next to me, I turned to see Fahad laughing while driving. Min wain 6ala3 hatha?
I laughed in return, mostly nervous but at the same time min galb. Fahad didn't change, the same tan skin with dark sideburns.

We both stopped at the same traffic light, mita ikhal9oon?

Fahad held his phone up, at the same time my phone rang, I picked it up.

"Khtara3tay?" I heard him, I turned around to see him laughing again.
"Latsaweeha feeni mara thania, broo7i ma nimt!"
It felt weird talking to someone I haven't seen in a long time, and suddenly we were the best of friends! Why the sudden closeness, Fahad?

"Asif, asif, shftich yami glt khan akhar3ich. Ilishara khathra, khansakir mobilatna, ashoofich bachr 3ayal?"

We were both driving, only he went straight while I went left, finally away from each other.
"Ee 3ind yadat Reem, 3azeemat'ha?"
"Ohhh 9a7, nisait! Ee inshallah ashoofik."
"Ee latinsain! Inshallah, yallah ashoofich."

And with that we ended our conversation.

W9alt ildawam without Fahad in the car next to me, I walked up to the building and got on the Majid-Free elevator. I stopped at my floor and headed to my cubicle, ba'3ait anam lama ga3adt. I saw the pile of folders on my desk. Forget pile, a montain. What the?
I looked around for Dana the supervisor, she was helping someone out. I walked up to her in frustration but I was soon stopped in my tracks by no other than Majid.

The image of him from the elevator window popped in mind.

He pulled on a fake, cruel filled smirk. "Istatha May, atwaqqa3 shftay ilfiles ili 3ala durjich."
"Ee shft'hum."
"Hathaila abeehum 3ala durji 3ugub sa3a, lo sama7tay. Oo mabi a3eed kalam akhr marra."

He never understands his lessons, does he?

I pulled on a faker smile, "Inshallah."

I headed to my desk in defeat, and slouched. Bidait ashti'3il 3ala the files, one after the other, constantly with no breaks till the hour was done.
I got the files and headed to Majid's office, he was on the phone and signaled me to enter with his finger.
I pretended nothing was wrong and placed them gently on his desk. "Akalmik ba3dain." He said and ended his phone call.


"Ee, khala9t'hum."

He shuffled through the files, one at a time studying them as he went. "Inzain, abeech ba3ad t9awreenli hal awrag."

Was I his secretary?

"A36eehum Hana'a wala ana a9awerhum?" Hana'a was his secretary, AKA the adequate person to do the job.

"Laa intay t9awreenhum. Oo please nisait ayeeb gahwiti min Coffee bean." He pulled out ten KD from his wallet and handed the bill to me. "Ikhtheelich shay ba3ad, 3ala 7sabi." He gave me that stupid grin of his.
I felt as if I was in an episode of Ugly Betty.

Majid was playing a game, he thought he was the only player, guess what?

A new player was in it to win it.

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