Sunday, April 15, 2012

Enemy (Part 13)

A reader told me the white font was distracting, so I thought I'd change it. Do you like it this way?

Anyway, enjoy!

I decided to go with the keep my job part, even though it might torture me internally. Scratch might, will. At least it was better than losing my job to some loser who thinks he can get away with anything. 

I parked at Reem's grandma's house, a classical Kuwaiti house with a gate to enter. My feet waddled across the hard floor of the small atrium. I was dead tired, but my social job for the day had to be done, and I knew Reem was going to murder me cold-bloodedly if I did not come. The house was empty as well, which I found to be rather odd. I walked inside of the house, weaving my way between obstacles till audible laughters and chatters filled my ears, a sigh of relief escaped my lips. 

There was a buffet outside the large garden, my aunts and uncles, as well as cousins were busy eating. 

"7amatak bt7bak!" I heard someone say, Reem's grandmother greeted me. I said my hello's and kissed her cheeks, I circled and greeted those whom I knew. Reem wasn't in sight, now she was the one who was going to be murdered.

"Shftaw Reem?" I asked 7amad and Omar, busy stuffing their mouths with foods. They shook their head in unison. 

Reem appeared in view, coming out of the house with Fahad next to her, engaging in a conversation with him, and rather an intense one. I hastily walked towards them, 
"Ahlan!" I greeted them.
Reem froze, soon her changed her expression immediately, grateful for my appearance. Fahad smiled at me, not exactly focused.

"Hi."Reem replied.
"Umm ga6a3tkum?" I asked. 
"La, la khala9na. Shlonich?" Fahad replied.
"Il7mdillah, inta?" I asked.
"Il7mdillah. 3ayal bakamil at3asha, ta3ashaitay?" Fahad asked.
"La ba3ad, al7een ba76li 3ashai." I answered. 

I signaled for Reem to follow me, I started explaining my ordeal with Majid to her and about his e-mails and of course his ultimatum.

"Maynoon?" Reem said loudly, soon covering her lips with her fingers as she realized how loud she was.
"Madri 3anna. Tadreen shlon? Bakhalee iwali, mali sh'3l fee. Basht'3il oo bas inshallah yroo7 mukan thani. Lay3a chabdi minna." I informed her, and it was true.
"Zain tsaween, wallah ma tswa ilsalfa." she concurred.

I finished placing food on my plate, and joined my cousins at their table. Despite their hilarious stories, I couldn't focus on what anyone was saying, I laughed when they laughed and pitched in when everyone offered their opinions. My mind circled on the matter that had happened today, and I hated how attached I was to it.

Maybe Majid was right, maybe it's better for me if I let the past be the past. Bury it and let it rot. 
Howbeit, that could not happen.


The cold bed sheets rubbed cooly against my legs as I slithered inside, my laptop placed above my covers. Despite my fatigue, I knew I wouldn't sleep from over-thinking, so I decided to end this matter once and fore-all. 

With a click of a button was I able to compose an e-mail,

Subject: (Empty)

Istath Majid,

No, I won't talk to you about what you're thinking, I'm smart enough to keep my job. Is our agreement still on? The vent thing, I mean.

I clicked send and waited anxiously for a reply, drumming my fingers on the trackpad impatiently. He had his e-mail on his mobile, so he was able to check his inbox really easily. My theory was correct.

Re: No Subject

Yes, as long as you don't mention what we had talked about. 

Perfect. I felt my brain dance trying to think of what to type next. But I let my heart do the typing.

Re: Re: No Subject.

Thank you, but that was the only thing interrupting my potential.
On another note, I heard you were going to continue your PhD's?

I clicked send. Of course he replied pretty quickly.

Re: No Subject

No I'm not. How does this relate to your job?

I rolled my eyes and replied.

Re: Re: No Subject.

It doesn't, well it sort of does since someone else will replace you. Henceforth revealing my true potential.

I thought it was rude, but it was going to get him talking. I clicked send intrepidly. 
Moments passed 'til he sent the reply, and it was a long one. 

Re: No Subject

I'm sorry you feel this way, but this gives you absolutely no reason to treat me disrespectfully. It's true we have a deal, that doesn't mean our ethics should be banished. I'm starting to rethink this, you're taking this the wrong way and I am not getting anything out of this, I don't understand what you're trying to do here. I find it to be stubborn. 
I'd like to call you right now, is it possible? Or I can postpone it 'til tomorrow and we'll have a chat face to face. What do you say?

Another ultimatum, speaking to him on the phone was way more merciful than face to face.

Re: Re: No Subject.

I'm fine with your phone call now.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and slid away from the sheets. I slipped on my fuzzy slippers and headed to the balcony in front of me. Soon enough he called and I cleared my voice before picking up, my heartbeats racing rapidly.

"Alu?" I answered.
"Ilsalam, Istatha May shlonich?" he greeted unenthusiastically.
"W3alaikum ilsalam, il7mdillah." I replied.
"Bkh9oo9 ilemailat, wayed mistiheena feehum. Adri inna 3indna agreement oo kilshay bas kh6artay il7dood. 3adil?" 

My throat dried up, "Umm madri." I replied.
"La intay kh6artee, oo ana sama7tich bas ham ilmsama7 laha 7dood," he said confidently, "itha moo 3ajbich ilwa'63 3ndna agdar ana bnafsi a7awlich mukan thani bidal hal 3aza ili intay ga3da feeha."

Anger penetrated his voice, and it was scaring the hell out of me. 

"Istatha May?" he boomed. I nearly popped out of my skin, maybe the face to face thing was better.
"Na3am, ee ma3ak. Uhh, la mabi a7awl." I answered.
"Kaifich, bas ra7 ada8i8 3ala kil kalam oo shay tsaweena bl sh'3l. Zain?" 
"Okay." I agreed.
"Inzain. T9bi7een 3ala khair." he replied.
"Winta min ahla." 
He had ended the call before me.

I texted Reem quickly in frustration.

Majid wayed shayef nafsa 3alai hal 7a8eer. Wallah akraha inarfiz 7aaaiiiil!

I set my mobile next to me as the sent message noise sounded off. But something caught my eye. My body heated up abnormally, my face was on fire. I called Reem quickly, my fingers skipping a few numbers, making me redial the whole thing. It finally rang.

"Shtabeen banam!" she whined.
"Reem madri shasawi 7a8adt 3ala Majid ib message oo 6arashtlaya bl '3ala6!" 

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