Friday, April 20, 2012

Enemy (Part 15)

Enjoy your weekend!

And enjoy this post!

I entered the office for probably the last time of my life, that was if Reem's plan did not work. I met up with Majid and Istath 3umar in the meeting room on the fifth floor. Majid eyed me from head to toe, angry that I had offered my resignation before he got the chance to fire me. Istath 3umar scanned the documents in front of him. 

"Ilsalam 3alaikum." I said out loud.
"W3alaikum ilsalam." the two men said in unison. 
I sat on the chair facing Majid, Istath 3umar sat in the head. 

"Isatha May ist8altich faja2tna, laish 3ad kintay mn a7san ilmuwa'6afat." Istath 3umar complained.
"Mashkoor bas 9arat '6uroof oo magdar akamel." I replied, eying Majid, who in return stared at the wall in front of him. Istath 3umar  huffed in regret and placed the documents in front of me, pointing for me where to sign. 

After what seemed like hours of reading and signing, I was officially jobless. I said goodbye to Istath 3umar who was still complaining about my leaving, while Majid seemed sort of grateful. I guessed it was because he didn't have a reminder of his dark past showing up to work every single day of the week. Except for two days. 

I sent a sarcastic text to Reem.

Barkeeli, I'm officially unemployed. 

I did not know what to do next. I decided to go home and watch movies 'til I slept. Then repeat that process over and over again for the rest of my life. 

Mabrook! You're gonna get your job back oo azyad ba3ad :* trust me! 

Reem texted. I loved how confident she was, I wasn't so sure about this plan of hers, but it was all I could manage. 


"Reem, please gooleeli wain bnroo7!" I nagged at her while buckling my seatbelt. It was almost eight at night and we were going out to dinner. 

"Laa, surprise! Oo uhwa part mn ilplan!" she explained. 

I rolled my eyes, "Shgalaw khalti oo 3ami 3an sh'3lich?" she asked.
I shrugged, "3a99ibaw akeed, bas hadaw shwaya lama gltlihum killish marti7t." 

I had a long conversation with them after lunch as I spoke to them about my quitting. There was a lot of anger going around but at the end they both settled and accepted the truth, it wasn't the end, of course.

Reem drove and drove, I stopped guessing after we'd passed a lot of restaurants. She then parked at the Avenues as we both got down from the car.

"Reem, wain rai7een?" I repeated. 
"Wai May shoofay!" she replied irritatedly. 

We walked and walked some more, weaving through the crowds of people until we reached our supposed final destination -Maki. 

"Inzain ya3ni goolay Maki!" I told her, annoyed. We- Reem, chose to sit inside. The waiter ushered us inside the restaurant.

I froze, and grabbed Reem by her arm. "Reem! Mabi!" I exclaimed. 

Majid was at a table chatting with three friends, one of them was Fahad. What a small world, he did not pay any attention to us, and neither did Fahad.

We sat at a table nearby, of course Reem had to make me face Majid, who was still engrossed in his own chat. 

"Reem, please shr7eeli shlsafa." I ordered, I was officially fed up with all of this. 

Reem smiled semi-diabolically, she cleared her throat and opened the menu nonchalantly, "Fahad i3aref Majid oo gltla lai 6ala3 ma3a igooli. Fa galli, oo al7een work your charm." 

I rolled my eyes at Reem, "Please latsaweenha mara thanya. Shba3t minna, mabi 'I work my charm' 3alaih. Ana akrah hal rayyal oo ma awa6na," I whispered to her. I was sick of him and his ways, his personality, his everything. I was going to apply to other firms and that was final. No charm, nothing.
"Ba'3ayer mukani oo ba3gad bara." I announced to her. 

I got up from my chair forcefully nearly bumping into the waiter, "Sorry." I muttered to him. I did not look at the men's direction, I did not want anything to do with Majid. 

My phone's screen lit up as I received a text from Fahad.

Warakum matsalmoon? Kidding, bl 3afya. 

I texted him back.

Sorry we saw you though. Allah y3afeek, inta ba3ad! 

He texted me back quickly.

Majid was your boss? 

I replied. 

Ee, laish?

I got another text from him.

La bas '3areeba. :p

I texted him. 

Yeah I quit today though. 

Reem and I ordered our food and I checked my phone to find another text from Fahad.

Afa! Mn Majid?

Smart boy.

Sorry, I don't want to talk about it.

He'd understand it. After all, he was smart.

My apologies. Tara shwaya w n6la3. I thought Reem asked me for his whereabouts for you to avoid him?

I stared at Reem for a second.

More like the opposite according to Reem. But me to avoid him. 

Soon enough, the four men left the restaurant and walked towards us. Fahad smiled at us quickly as Majid checked his phone. I drank from my glass of water and placed it in front of me. 

Reem kicked me on the shins hard as I banged my knee hard on the table, causing my glass of water to spill and shatter into a million pieces. Consequently shifting the attention of the four men to us. 


"Reem." I said between gritted teeth. She surely grabbed their attention.

Majid looked at me surprised, for a second I thought he'd added eyeliner. The man's dark hair was pulled away from his face, embracing his masculine features, those sharp eyebrows, thick, long eyelashes, complimenting his dark eyes and luscious red lips. But a foul personality accompanied that beautiful face.
I quickly turned my gaze away from him and back at Reem. 

"Reem bathbi7ich." I told her. The waiter came up and cleaned the fragments of glass surrounding us, for my joy, the four men had left. Fahad texted me.

Smooth move. 

I ignored his text, I did not want him to text me whenever he felt like it. 

"Sorry wallah, ubai wallah moo qa9di, killish!" Reem said jumpily. 

"3adi," I said, "bas please latsaweenha!" 

She pouted apologetically as she dug in her salad. I played with my fork and pieces of lettuce. My screen flashed, I was going to kill Fahad. This time, it wasn't from him.

Please don't forget to pick up your things from your desk tomorrow. 

I was never going to get this office thing done, was I?

I texted Majid back.

I won't, thank you for the reminder. 

I continued eating before he texted me back.

You're welcome. I just realized I'm interrupting your dinner, sorry. 

That was a slow realization. 

It's alright, I'll pass by at 9:00 tomorrow inshallah.

I clicked send. He replied instantly.

I'll be at a meeting by then. Perfect timing. 

I scoffed, how obnxious. Reem eyed me, "Baraweech al7een." I said, my eyes focused on the screen.

Excuse me?

I showed the convo to Reem who took forever to read the message. As soon as she reached the last message she gasped, "8aleel iladab!" she exasperated, "Wai3 ubai shl-" she gasped again, "Ka rad!" 

We saw the text together.

May, I'm not stupid. You're clearly avoiding me, as I am avoiding you. I know you wish tonight will be our last time we see each other. Because I surely do, I'm actually glad you quit before I had gotten the chance to fire you. Call me an ass or whatever, I seriously don't care. 
We won't see each other again so we might as well reveal it all. 
Please delete my number from your contact list. I've already deleted yours. It's much preferred if you don't reply.
Have a great life,


  1. Majid 7mar ou 7a8eer i hate him and seem is funny love the post can't wait for the nxt one hope may replies!!

  2. I don't understand him! His motives are unclear!
    Great post, as always. xxx

  3. please post soon so in love with this story, i love it the most because it must be very challenging to write ! thank u and hope the read the next one !!

    1. Thank you so much! :D It actually is! I had to leave it for a while to think of how I'll continue with it!
      Thank you for your comment! :D

  4. Please post soon, yes I'm turning into one of those pesky, demanding blog readers. Your story is THAT good. :)

  5. HAHHAHA! Aww I'm extremely flattered! *blushes*
    Thank you! :**

  6. Love this post! When the next one?:p
