Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Enemy (Part 26)

Thank you all for the comments!
This chapter is dedicated to L, a not-so-silent reader anymore!

(Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be much longer!)

No more Majid for two years...
That thought never failed to strike me. It kept repeating in my head like an old song you'd hear on the radio for several times. No more Majid for two years. 
At least now I didn't have any drama going on in my life. All my focus was going to be on my work, and that was it. No more drama, no more late-night emailing, nothing. 

However that pang of guilt kept on occurring, ; I did feel bad about lying to Majid about who I was. Part of me said that he was Majid and he deserved it. The other part of me said it was a bad thing. Who was I supposed to trust? 

I was annoyed, more than annoyed. Maybe I was better off not faking to be Badriya. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth till they bled and drank a glass of ice cold water. I didn't turn the computer off but put it on sleep mode; I was afraid I might need it. 
The cold Tiffany blue sheets gave me shivers up and down my spine and I rubbed my legs against the mattress of the bed for warmth. I turned off my phone and the light leaving the humming of the computer as a bedtime lullaby of some sort...

As I had expected I did not seem to get any ounce of sleep from the over-thinking and crazy what if's going on through my brain. 
I decided to not tell Majid. He was never nice to me, so I no reason whatsoever to be nice to him. It made me as bad as him, but hey, we were on the same level here, weren't we?

I shut down the computer for good and walked to the bathroom and did the unthinkable. I forced two fingers down my throat and threw up; no it wasn't because I wanted to lose weight but because the guilt inside me was making me so sick that I just had to force it out. 

I walked groggily to my bed and placed a hand on my cramping stomach, and tried to get some rest. I couldn't tell Reem because it would be too weird and awkward. I only had this secret to myself and myself only. Thing was, I had to keep this secret with me for two whole years until Majid was back home if he did consider here to be home. 

My heavy eyelids gave in and my thoughts were altered into non-sensical ones. Even my body needed a break from this. 


"May bassich latl3ibeen bl sala6a!" 

I waved my fork through the lettuce on my plate; Reem decided it would be "fun" to have a post-chalet gathering for lunch at Nino by the beach. I already looked like utter crap and didn't feel well from yesterday's forced gagging. 

"Reem shfeech, khubrich oo 3lmich ra7." Shaikha reminded her. The three girls laughed and winked at May.
"Uff siktaw mn zeena 3ad?" I retorted.
"Iklay bas iklay." Reem said while nudging me. Majid did hold on to his promise; he didn't send me an email declaring his arrival or any other email for that matter.

"Moo yo3ana, a7ad yabee?" I pushed my plate forward. The girls shook their head and went back to their own salads. 
"Shlon ilsh'3il?" Badriya asked.
I shrugged, "Nafs ilnas oo nafs ilsh'3l kil yom." 
"Fahad moo 3indikum?" Reem asked.
I shook my head, "Chinna gal ysht'3il b sharikat 3amma aw shay, madri. Shakhbara? Min ziman 3anna."
The last time I'd seen him it was at Maki almost nine months ago. Even he lasted longer than Majid. 

"Zain zain, shfta ilsboo3 ili 6af 3ind umi L6eefa," Reem replied while taking a bite of her Caesar salad. "Ee oo 3ndaha 3azeema yom ilkhamees b bait'ha, kilkum ra7 tiyoon inzain?" she said, pointing her knife at us. 
Shaikha raised her hands, "Inzain bas latithbi7eenna." 
"3ad Reem oo mansima3 kalamha, 8awiya." Badriya commented while taking a drink of her Diet Coke. 
"Shftaw? Wai May kilish malich 7is, shfeech? Ra7 oo r7tay wiyya." Reem teased, Badriya and Shaikha couldn't help but snicker. 
"Reem siktay," I joked while wiping my head. I didn't feel good at all. 
"Uff sorry bas shakli baroo7 al7een, 7adi ta3bana." 
"La lazim t3aw'6eenna b'3ada." Badriya said.
"Akeed." I agreed, I wasn't myself today. I excused myself and left the restaurant. I stayed beside my car to get some fresh air which I was in desperate need for. 

I hated the Majid after-effect and what it was doing to me. He was just a man out of billions of other men on this world. I wasn't supposed to care, yet I did and it was killing me. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Enemy (Part 25)

Sorry for the late post!

On another note, I'm seriously considering editing the first few parts of this story as I don't really find them appealing.:/
Is it a go or a no? 

Anyway, enjoy!

The low humming of my old computer stirred my up inside even further; I already was sort of lost as to what his answer might be. A shock of excitement buzzed through me as my already noisy computer beeped -Majid's newest email.

I wanted to opened it, but I also didn't want to; I was juxtaposed between knowing and not-knowing, the former being the inevitable, as knew I would not sleep without knowing the answer. I was stuck between those two options, inclining more towards knowing, but I was already chickening out.

Yet who was he for me to be feeling all compulsive about? Why was I caring what he was thinking? Why did I even bother wasting my time over a man who did not respect me for who I am, let alone someone he constantly hurt?
I clicked and just got it over with; my choice was settled.

Hmm, I do believe we would be pretty good friends if I did know earlier, don't you think? Aside from the insults of course, I think you're a bearable person. Anyway you know me, from my past messages, I don't exactly have friends. :o)

Still didn't answer the question, damn was he smart.

How much time do we have left? 
I'd disagree, you don't seem bearable to be honest... 
Will you really be staying there for two years? 

We nearly had twenty-five minutes, according to what I calculated. I tapped my feet with the rhythm of the humming computer. I did feel bad about what I was doing to Badriya; if it truly was her she'd stop at the second email, or third if she was feeling "bold", and curse Majid for being oh-so-disrespectful and ill-mannered with her. That was Badriya. 

The computer beeped in indication, and I opened up the email. I had almost no time to think about what was to happen, or what my stupid feelings were. 

Ha! So I'm unbearable and yet you spend hours with me, interested in who I am? You're not fooling anyone here, kid. ;)
Yep, papers already done, sent and received. Why? Are you going to miss me, B? I'm doing your cousin a huge, huge favor.
Hmm you have one question left. Make it good though. ;)

Was I going to miss him? 
I was not really sure. 

I will never miss you, don't be so cocky here, M. ;)
Alright, one question...
What do you really think of May?
Don't ask about the reason of the question. Just answer.

I ran a couple of questions in my head, but no one seems to fit the puzzle more than that. It was a risky one, but it was my last, and I just had to do it. I started to bite on my lip and fidget in place. Why was I caring so much, why? Why was his opinion so important to me? 
Was it because I had to make those hate me like me? Was it because I felt that there was more than just so called "hate" he felt towards me?

I pressed my temple to sooth the start of my headache; too many questions were never good. 
The pain increased when the beep of my computer rang through my ears, then I realized; this was the last beep I'd be hearing for the night. His last email. 

Ouch, B, that hurt. I think you will; I'm always missed. ;)
I was going to ask you, but then I realized we had no time. I really hope you aren't May though, because I've ended my contact with her for good. So May if you're reading this, do yourself a favor and turn the computer off, because what you'll be reading will not be pleasant. Otherwise B, I'm sorry for accusing you. 

It's me, Majid, and  I won't turn the computer off. 
I had to read what was written further in the email, and I didn't feel good at all...

What I really think of May?
Hmm...where do I start? 
The things I previously said about your cousin was true, I do find her to be, like me according to you, B, unbearable. I simply can't tolerate her and I'm glad I have nothing to do with her anymore. 
However, yes you read that correctly, B, I do find her to be to mess with I guess. Even through our putrid emails and messages, which you should ask her for by the way, I truly am going to miss having someone to mess around with. Hmm I'm going to miss her. There I typed that down, didn't I? Despite all our tension and hate, I will miss her. 

Well B, I guess this is the end. It was really enjoyable emailing you and getting to answer your funny questions. I do believe I might have my very first fan. ;) I'm kidding, I don't mean to be a jerk. 
It's too bad we only know each other for a day, B. I was looking forward to emailing you even further. I have to leave now, I gave this email more time than it deserved. 

Have a safe life. I'm actually glad I got to know you; hey I have a friend don't I? Ex-friends in a couple of minutes, anyway. Such a shame.
Goodbye. :)
PS. Reconsidering our agreement; catch up in two years?

He wanted to catch up with me? Or Badriya?
Did I actually make it on his list that easily?
I hit the reply button for my final email. 

I'll see you in two years, M. :)
Have fun, and good luck. Don't change a lot, alright? 
Dang, you can't answer that. ;)

I was pinned to my chair by the forces of guilt. 
I tricked him into thinking it was me instead of Badriya. And now he actually wants to catch up with her. 

Two years may be a lot, but do I have time during those two years to tell him who I really am?
I got it out of him, he said he will miss me, but that didn't necessarily mean he cared about me or "felt" anything for me. Honestly? I was pretty glad he didn't. I just couldn't stand the thought of our past constantly being reminded whenever I saw him.

I was going to let time clean my mess, and possibly guide me to the safest and smartest answer, whether or not I was to tell him. I just hoped time would co-operate. 


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Enemy (Part 24)


My head was filled to the brim with an infinite number of questions ranging from how to who to where, and it nearly made my head hurt. I decided a simple question would be appropriate for our current status. 

Okay let's start with how many brothers and sisters you have.

I knew the answer, zero. Majid was an only child. 
His proposal reminded me of when he had told me to send him emails of what was bothering me. We wouldn't want to head over to the bad times now, would we?

Only child, and yourself?

I was highly engaged in my emails with Majid that I nearly jumped when I heard the door open, we'd arrived at Reem's house in Surra while I still thought we were on the highway. The things technology did to me...

"Bye Reem!" I shouted as she pulled her suitcase out of the trunk of the car.
"Bye! Inshallah 3ugub sboo3ain ha?" she yelled back.
"Ee lazim!" Shaikha concurred, while Badriya was on her phone, as usual. 

Seeing her reminded me of the email which I hurried back to.

Two older brothers and an older sister.
Next question, when is your birthday?

It was true, she had 3azeez and 3umar, somewhere in their early thirties or something and Khawla who was in her late twenties. 

He replied back almost immediately. Didn't he have some packing to do? One thing I hated about men was that they had almost nothing to pack, clothes and shoes and they were ready to go. Oh, and the toothbrush.

July twenty-ninth. Let me guess, you seem like an Aquarius, mermaid-y and all. 

Mermaid? That nearly made me laugh. 
For a minute there I actually forgot Badriya's birthday, which was embarrassing since she was my first cousin. November third. I actually had to google her star-sign, I was so bad at those. 

Ah, Scorpio. My favorite star-sign, lucky girl. 

Nope, I'm a stingy Scorpio. :) November third.  
What was your final GPA in high-school?

That I had to know. I bet it was a perfect 4.0 or 4.something-man-has-never-achieved-till-Magnificent-Majid-arrived. I refreshed my email and of course, he replied as speedily as usual. He surely was bored. 

I would call you nosey but I gave you permission to be so. 
I don't remember specifically but it was awfully good. A 3.98 I think? 
I'm going to be nice here so I wouldn't ask you about yours. ;)

Rude much? 

Alright since you want to play it rudely I'll give you more personal questions. 
Are you friendless? Because you don't seem like the guy who likes to have friends a lot.

I felt the corners of my mouth lift up in a smile; I was enjoying this.

Ahaha, you remind me of May here. Damn genetics.

I heard my heartbeats in my own ears once I read that. I gulped.
Lail7een ma inchakait... I thought before continuing to read.

I suppose you are somewhat right, but it's not them it's me. I hate having "companions" around, they are a constant reminder of how much of a jerk I can be. Can you imagine having a wife around? Hah. 
That wasn't a question anyway, please do not answer. :)

Wow, he really must hate himself. 
I bet behind that arrogant crude was a weak, fragile person in the realm of his own self-desctructive thoughts. I had to bring him out, I just had to. 

I won't, don't worry. ;)
Speaking of which, how are you planning on changing yourself?

That was the how that had circled my mind. He said he wanted to change himself, however he also said that he liked what he had become. It was a twisted tale of his, but all I had to know was if he wanted to change himself, and how he'd do it. 
But would that huge self-alteration plan mean changing into a completely different person? 
If yes, the Majid I grew to know would be gone forever. And if the answer was no, would difference did he make. 

I don't know really, I just thought that a change of atmosphere and surroundings would do. It did me well in the States when I was studying to obtain my master's degree, but this was for a completely different purpose. 
And I have to cut contact with you too for two years. I do not need any reminder of my to-be past self. 

Was he serious? And I thought we were just getting started...
But would that mean cutting off his relationship with his parents too? 
He did mention that he wasn't on good terms with them, but wasn't he going to at least reconcile and beg them for acceptance?
My subconscious was doing all the typing for me while I became preoccupied with my numerous questions circling my mind.

What about your parents, are you going to cut them off too?

That had to be the shortest email in a while.
"Umm May?" Shaikha interrupted with a poke on my ribs. I gasped in fright and nearly threw my phone.
"Wai khara3teeni! Uff!" I exclaimed with a hand over my chest.
"Ula shda3wa! Inzain mita nawya tanzileen?" she asked, pointing at my house.
I was seriously confused.

"Umm al7een..." I said. I flung the door open and made sure to slip my phone into my back pocket. The driver helped me out with the suitcase. My two guy cousins were still following the driver everywhere, the gave me a wave to speed things up a bit. Again, I was as confused as hell. 
I waved at my cousins and pulled the luggage along with me inside the house. A new maid, Jane, helped me out as she pulled it to my room. 

"My parents are here?" I asked her.
"No they just go." she replied in her Filipino accent. 

I was too exhausted to open up my suitcase so I flung myself onto my made bed and refreshed my email. One new email, as expected. 

Of course not, I'll try my best to reconnect with them. They are my parents, after all.
I have to leave the house in an hour, so you just have an hour to ask. Then it'll be another two years. It's official. 

I had to look for the golden questions that would trigger him, but I didn't know what to ask and I was running out of time. 

Less than an hour? Hmm... 
What do you wish to improve in yourself?

The thing was, he had to reply briskly as well, and he did. A reply a couple of seconds later, thank you Majid.

Wow, I suddenly feel like a celebrity. Are you really that interested in me, B?
P.S. It feels really good typing in a different name.
P.P.S. I wish to improve almost everything, but mostly, I'd like to improve that attitude of mine. I feel like a teenager, and I hate teenagers ;). 
What do you think I should improve, Queen B?

Didn't Queen B stand for Queen B*tch or something? I rolled my eyes and typed speedily, relying on autocorrect to make sense of words I had typed.

Oh, no not really. Well yes actually, your message to my cousin sort of triggered my interest in you. I suddenly felt like I had a stalker... 
Seriously though, there is so much things in you I'd like to know. You're a very...interesting person. 
Hmm...I think you should improve everything as well. Especially that attitude, trying being a more empathetic and understanding, hmm?
Question, do you think a person can be able to change you?

I awaited his reply which seemed like ages. Time was running, and we had forty-five minutes to talk. It seemed like a lot, but the time we took texting made up at least ninety-per-cent of our time. 

Thank you for your honest opinion, Lady B. I'll try to have a heart. :)

As for your question, maybe and maybe not, depends on the person. It has to be someone I still don't know yet.
If you meant yourself, then I don't really know. You're good at making me "explore" my inner self I guess. You have forty-five minutes to try changing me, kid. Think you can do it?

Not exactly. 

I don't think I can, and we're running out of time. I can try but my fingers are already sore from typing the questions. Oh don't flatter yourself, M, just don't.
Question, will you miss anything from your old life?

I switched to my laptop, at least the letters on the keyboard were as big as the edge of my finger, and the screen was much wider. 

By the time the whole internet loaded he had already sent the email. 

Hmm, I'll definitely miss the chalet. Just me and the sea. I'll definitely miss my two year old cousin's kid Joud who has cheeks as huge and fluffy as marshmallows. 
I'll miss some dishes the cook makes at home, coming to think of it I might drag him with me to Nottingham...
Are you expecting to be on the list? ;)

What a jerk. 

No. I've known you for half a day, I'd be freaked out if I was. 
Do you wish you knew me earlier?

That was a complete risk, but what was I gonna lose?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Enemy (Part 23)

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm in a bit of a rush!

This chapter goes out to S!

His words left me tumbling over -figuratively, punching at my stomach and fueling my innards. He knew exactly what to do to throw me over, and he succeeded.
However, I had the next move, and I already felt triumphant about it.

Is it possible if we took this discussion to e-mails? My eyes are starting to sting staring at a four by three phone screen. 
As for your opinion on my cousin, it's your opinion, even though I disagree. 

I couldn't possibly ask for Badriya's phone to talk to Majid, could I? 
The man took a while to reply back, and I guessed it was because he was driving.

Yes of course.
Thank you for being so understanding, I would say unlike May, but you know, respect?
Bless your tired eyes, email me at this address below. 

I copied the email address onto my phone and deleted the messages from Badriya's. She didn't need to know any further messages. 

I emailed him from my old email, which indicated nothing of my identity. It wasn't too teenage-ish either.
Ocean39. Perfect. I changed my name from "Dreamer" to "Badriya" and composed a message to him. I was glad I took a while, I did not want to seem too "desperate".

Well if this isn't much better. Bless fifteen inches of pixels. 
We were saying?

I was still using my phone...

"Mayoon ta3alay sa3deenna nsheel iljna6! Il9bayyan yan6iroonna bara!" Shaikha yelled while hurling her bulky suitcase.

"Inzain kani al7een yaya." I yelled back, making sure my phone was placed securely in my back pocket. Thoughts circled my head; I did know what I was doing, but I felt a bit bad about what I intended to do. Yet he deserved it, so I had absolutely nothing to be sorry about. 

Reem was standing at the corner of the bed trying to lift her eye-blinding pink suitcase off of her bed. 
"Reem lo jan6itich moo fa83a hal kithr chan sa3adtich." I teased. She successfully pushed it off the bed and began to roll it outside the room in the hallway.

I checked my phone for a new email, but I received none. I secretly hoped it wouldn't turn into one of my unhealthy obsessions, checking on my phone for ridiculous emails. My suitcase was sitting unzipped on my bed, and I tried zipping it for the last time -success.

I felt the phone vibrate in my back pocket so I whipped it out, and yes, it was a new email from him. 

We were talking about your cousin, but anyway that is over. :) 
Remind me, what is your occupation? You know mine, of course. 

What really annoyed me was the fact he didn't type in Arabic or at least m3arrab; typical Majid. He just loved showing off. 

Yes I do. :)
I work as a pharmacist. 

The email was saved as draft. I wasn't lying, Badriya really was a pharmacist. I actually was lying about my own identity, but hey we both seemed to enjoy it. I enjoyed his gullibility, something I had always thought he truly lacked. I guessed not. 

I dragged my heavy bag outside the room and made sure I did not leave anything behind, especially my toothbrush since I always forget it. My muscles were straining already, I needed to get in shape badly. My cousins were in the car with a driver while my male cousins were in the car in front of ours. I decided to send him the email; the timing seemed appropriate. 

Strangely enough he replied almost immediately, he must've arrived at wherever he intended to go. 

That actually doesn't suit you, not in a bad way of course. I imagined you to be one of those businesswomen who spent their college days getting tans and makeovers instead of studying their eyes out. I'm not exactly a judgmental person, but I just imagined you to be so. My apologies, you truly proved me wrong. 
I'm actually impressed. 

I didn't know why I was offended at first; he wasn't talking about me to begin with. I replied to his email.

Well I have to admit I was a bit offended by the few first sentences, but I don't think I am anymore. I actually imagined you to be a daddy's boy, getting everything the way you want because of your various private relationships, what's the word? Ah, nepotism.
But then I realized you actually work for yourself, and I'm actually impressed. 

I pressed on Send, I had trouble writing discreetly since Shaikha and I were rubbing shoulders, and thankfully Badriya was next to Shaikha and not next to me. Save. 

"Khanmur McDonald's! Abi fries!" Reem nagged. Reem and her obsession with fries...
"La2 mi7na mareen bn3a6lhum!" I pointed at my two cousins in the car ahead of ours. Reem sat back and returned to her phone in annoyance. Mine vibrated against my lap. One new email.

That is actually what everybody thinks. And it's also one of the many many reasons I'm leaving. I'm just sick of assumptions, judgements and what I represent in some people's minds. I'm thankful you came to your right realization, Badriya, do you mind if I called you B? It's much shorter this way. 
Anyway, I better get back to finalizing my packing. I'm not so sure I'd like to come back to fetch a thing or two. 

I would too be annoyed if I were him, which is why I was thankful I got my job from my own sweat and blood. I wouldn't be enjoying a job I was insured, it was never that exciting. 

 Sorry for keeping you behind, if I actually am the cause? 
Yes, you can call me B, however I feel like it stands for that word...
And don't forget your toothbrush, I always seem to forget that for some reason.

Shaikha rested her head on my shoulder, and of course I panicked so I tossed my phone in my bag not so elegantly. 

"Shfeech khtara3tay?" a chuckling Shaikha asked while lifting her head slowly from my shoulder.
"Khara3teeni!" I replied, fixing my eyes on the road.
"Gal3a." she said and went back to her previous position. Great, I couldn't read his texts anymore.

The wait for Shaikha to get her head off my shoulder was agonizing, and out of impatience my fingers dug in the leather couch of the seat. I contemplated fidgeting a lot to get her to rest on Badriya's shoulder, but then I felt bad...

"Wai May 3'6am, la w ili yami ba3ad maku yild," Shaikha complained while rubbing the left side of her neck. "Agool Badoor badlay ma3a Reem, hathi muree7a." 

"Hey shaifatni bgara shmitni?" Reem retorted defensively. 
"Uff..." Shaikha huffed. 

I grabbed the opportunity to check on my email, so I pulled the phone out of my bag with fast motion. Not one but two new emails came from Majid. 

My finger pressed on the first email.

I would say no, but then I would be lying...but it's alright; I'm close to being done. ;) 
And a toothbrush? That's so rare to find abroad. 

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm, okay I had to admit, it made me chuckle a bit. Chuckle and not laugh. 
My finger pressed on the second email.

Oh and darling B, what has that word you have in mind got to do with anything? Honestly thought you're a very surprising person...

Just wait till you know who's actually emailing you...I wanted to type. 

Hmm I think you're a more surprising person than I am. There are many things I sense you are hiding. Should I keep poking till I know each "secret" one by one? 

I pressed on send and rested my head on the window instead of Shaikha's shoulder, which was pretty tiny. We were in the city, meaning I'd be dropped off home in no time. My phone vibrated next to my hip, which nearly made me jump in shock. Talk about surprises...

Yes that's actually true. 
Ask me whatever you want, and I'll answer wholeheartedly. 
Go. ;)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Enemy (Part 22)

Sorry if the last post was confusing! I hope my replies cleared it up.
I promise not repeat that again, haha.

Dedicated to Haya (Cuteinblack), sorry about your arms :P.


Badriya had been texting Majid...
She undoubtedly had gotten the number from my phone when we were outside. It was nice of her to forgive him, but the way she did it was weird.

My eyes darted towards the glass door on the right side of the living room vigilantly while awaiting Badriya's entrance. One second, two seconds, no sign of her. 

I moved away from the kitchen counter with my bottle of ice water, and walked up to my room to fix my suitcase. 
I peered through the glass window of ours, facing Majid's room. The silhouette was gone; Majid was gone. 
I pulled out my remaining clothes from my closet and stuffed them all in my bag; I then pulled off the bedsheets from my bed and squeezed them inside the bag as well, but it was too bulky that the zipper wouldn't move. I was so frustrated that I tried sitting on the bag to close it, but it won't even bulge, I tried folding the sheets but no luck. Fresh tears spilled from my eyes in aggravation. 

Of course the tears weren't because of the bag. I was just so confused about everything that I didn't know how to feel -let alone how to think. 

I took in a deep breath and wiped the tears off my cheeks and the corners of my eyes. How weak was I to fall in such a trap? I was supposed to be happy that Majid was gone for good. These weren't tears of joy at all...

I left my suitcase unzipped and checked my face in the mirror. My small nose was red, great. I ignored it and would blame it on the sun if someone asked. I took in one last breath and went to the living room downstairs. 

Badriya sat with her legs crossed on the couch, and her phone was glued to her palm as she texted some more. I desperately wanted to peek at her screen and see if her little Majid conversation was over yet. There was no point in hiding it from her, so I might as well confront her with it.

"Badriya bakalmich ib shay." I told her as I sat next to her on the couch. I wondered how many times I'd told her that sentence today.
"Inzain?" she asked, dropping her phone next to her. 
I let out a puff of air and cleared my throat, "Okay shoofay, umm lama ga3adt mn ilnom tawa chayakt talifoni wala ashoof messages moo ana ili katbat'hum wala 6ala3 mobilich. Tara wallah sorry kilish ma kan qa9di agra." I spilled.

I could sense her stiffen up. 
"La 3adi." she said, the corners of her lips curved into a small smile, barely enough to be called a smile. I wondered how she'd react if I continued.

"Oo ilmessage ili shifta kan bainich oo bain Majid." I confessed.
Her mouth this time was shaped in a small O. "Umm..." she began, obviously having trouble explaining.
"Okay hatha baini oo bainich. Shr7ay." I told her solemnly.

This time she was the one who took a deep breath.
"Bas ra7 t3a9been." she confessed, her eyes did not meet mine, but focused on the floor instead. 
"Laa mani m3a9ba." I affirmed. Badriya was making me nervous, and I just had to know what those messages were. 

"Okay umm lama rawaiteeni ilmessage glt lazm akamla. Fa lama khalaitay mobilich 3indi gdart akamla. Ba3dain 7asait b thanb ini garaita oo thanb akbar mn Majid, 7asait inna ana sibab kilshay. Fa khathait ilra8m minich 3ashan agoolla inni msam7ita. Wallah sorry lo b2eedi chan ma sawaita, bas magidart amsk nafsi lama garait shinu kan katib 3anni." 
Badriya ended her speech with a deep breath of relief, and a bite of her lip in guilt. 

"La maykhalif, wa7da b wa7da," I joked, easing her stressed temper. "Al7een rad 3alaich?" I asked.
She chewed on her lip this time, something was up. I extended my hand in front of her as she obligingly placed the phone on my palm as I read the continuation of the messages.

Text from Majid:

Badriya replied:

Majid replied back:
Thank you for your apology acceptance, but how did you get my number?

To which Badriya replied:
I got it from May. I hope it doesn't bother you.

Well that was a lie...sort of.

Majid responded:
No it isn't, I just never thought you'd ever talk to me, let alone apologize for something I was guilty of. And sorry for the scare at the balcony. 
Are we really going to continue apologizing for the most ridiculous of things?

Yep, Majid was back.

No I think we're done here!:p 
Bye and enjoy your stay in umm I forgot the name. :S

The emoticons started to show, which meant she got used to him quickly...

Nottingham, I don't see how that's hard to remember honestly.
And thank you. Is this the end of our conversation or do you have anything else to apologize for?

Ouch. He was being as cold as ice.

Laa khala9t:p 

Then it was the end of their conversation, nothing more, and nothing less. Majid was being cold towards her as he had been, still was, to me. Maybe that was the way he treated foreign women, or everyonein general, but there wasn't an excuse to be so impertinent and rude. 

I handed her the phone and spoke, "Ee tara hathi 6aree8ta fa latit'6ayigain, daiman i3amlni chithi oo arda." I informed her.
She looked at the floor ponderously, "Ugh inarfiz." she admitted. 
I laughed at her disappointment, "Ee, takhayilay lo i9eer mudeerich." 
"Chan mit, mashallah kubartay b 3aini!" she teased. 

I felt her regret and chagrin in the tone of her voice and the fallen contours of her face. She pretended to smile, but it wasn't from the heart. It was almost like she'd felt something for him, but of course, he ignored.

Badriya wasn't that type of girl at all. She did not support relationships before marriage no matter what. She didn't flaunt herself in front of men, but her unique beauty turned heads towards her, and she paid them no attention. 

Yet this time I felt something different coming from her, and I was guessing it was because she felt bad about making a man feel guilty. 

"Badriya shfeech?" I asked her seriously this time, her eyes again shifted to the floor.
"Umm mafeeni shay? Laish?" she ased.
"Shaklich mt'6aiga." 
She shook her head, "La2, bas matwaqqa3ta chithi kilish."
I read the messages again and had an idea.

"Tabeeni akamil 3alaihum?" I asked her.
"3ala shinu?" she asked.
"Ilmessages?" I said while waving her phone at her.
She flicked her hand at me, "Kamlay, bas shbtaktibeenla?" she asked.
"Ina lazm y7tirmich? Ya3ni ma9akhha maku a7ad ma haza2a."
Badriya shrugged and fixed her eyes on the TV screen.

I sat aback and wondered what I would write to him. Then it hit me.

Actually ma khala9t. And it's not my time to apologize it's yours, I don't like the way you're replying to me.

I tried showing it to Badriya but she glimpsed at the screen and shifted her eyes back at the television, so I sent it anyway. 
"6arashtla." I told her, but she didn't even flinch, I guessed she was bummed out. 

I waited for his reply anxiously and tapped my feet impatiently; I wondered what he'd reply. 

"May khala9 uhwa qaleel iladab mani ma36eeta wayh." Badriya suddenly spoke. 
"Mt2akda?" I told her.
She sighed and nodded. 

It was too late though, he already replied.

Too bad, because that's the way I am. I have nothing to apologize for. 

I showed Badriya the screen and this time she read it. 

"Tadreen shlon? Riday 3alaih, hatha moo mal ta7gireena." she told me.
I held in my smile and continued to type.

I thought you said you wanted to change in your message to May. That you're sick of being you?

Touche, May.

I again tapped my feet in patience. Or impatience. Badriya's phone vibrated.

Smart girl. I think I'm starting to like you, Badriya. So you have earned my apology. Happy?

It's May you idiot, I wanted to type.

Damn ecstatic. 

I typed that instead.
I wondered how he'd react if he found out it was me and not Badriya typing these messages.

You seem much different from your cousin, and trust me you want to be different than her. 

I wanted to slap him, but then I realized that he was the idiot who thought it was Badriya typing those messages.


Reem and Shaikha popped out in the living room with smoothies they had made in the outer kitchen.

"Masawaitoolina?" Badriya asked.
"Imbala..." Shaikha said with a hint of uncertainty, her eyes focused on Reems' as if they were having some sort of intellectual conversation.

"Umm digeega khal nyeeblikumiya." Reem said, grabbing Shaikha by the arm.
Badriya's phone vibrated.

I don't mean to offend you, but May and I have really bad history together. May is basically a really rude and immature girl, let her tell you about that message she sent me back when I was her boss. She dissed me, and it cost her her job. Your cousin is selfish and very arrogant, sad to say over nothing. I would continue but I want to respect you. All in all, I do not like her at all, you can say I hate her, but hey she hates me back too. 
Sorry if any of this bothers you, but I'm just starting facts about your cousin.

His words did affect me and I would not like to lie. 
I realized he actually did hate me, more like loathe me, and it was just not fun and games. I did too, but then it had gotten fun. Or so I had thought.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Enemy (Part Twenty-One)

I don't know when I'll be updating Halfway Around the World. To be honest, I'm stuck in it. I thought giving myself a break from it is the right choice. Hmm...
Edit: I've edited the last part of the post as it was confusing, that's what I get for posting hastily. I hope this update cleared it up!


My last message to Majid in my life was sent. 
The contents of it weren't as zealous as I'd thought it would've been. I had imagined the message to be filled with repugnance and hate, but it clearly wasn't. If one were to read it, he wouldn't expect a dark past that united Majid and I. No, not at all.

The man replied to the message, for yet one last time in his life. 

Can't believe this is either. 
I'm glad that was your last message, which means you can't reply to what I have to say below. 

Well played; it was dumb of me to hastily end my messages for good with him. I scrolled down the screen and continued to read. 

Yes, I will be traveling tonight, it's not a sham. Secondly, the reason I asked you about your cousin Badriya wasn't the stupid reason I'd told you, I can't believe you of all people actually accepted it. Your cousin doesn't know me. Coming to think of it what I had told you earlier was partially true. I did see her somewhere, and it wasn't pleasant. 

I saw her at an event in 9al7iya about four months ago. Her boy-short hair made her easy to remember, an easy target for the public eye, or mine anyway. Mind you, it wasn't my intention to look at her, but there was something about her that made me look at her without me actually looking. Complicated, but it happened. 

She caught me looking at her so she turned and walked away, not giving me the slightest attention. We began to part our ways in the event but then I found her again, and I tried to lose myself in the crowd yet I always keep ending up by her. As if fate was trying to tell me something.

His last message was long, but it was worth it being long. I was actually reading a story, a story that had happened between my cousin and someone I hated. I continued reading. 

And that was it for the rest of the night; it stopped right there. I never saw her again until I realized who she was. She acted like she did not recognize me, I didn't know if that was genuine or if she was trying to hide it all up. 
However I felt nothing about her. Come on, May, you know me. I was born heartless. The only person I almost felt something about was you. And that was it. 

I don't get why I am so apathetic, how careless I am of my own life, how I can't sense how angry I get at others. As for my parents, I don't think they even classify me as their son anymore, because of how mistreating and disgusting I'm getting.
That is making me sick, which is why I need to leave. 

I can't stand myself anymore. Your messages and e-mails made me realize how big of a monster I was. I realize, but I never seem to change. It's like I love what I've become. 

Sick, isn't it? Now you know my weak spot, but it's too late for you to use it.
I guess that's the last bit of my message. By the time you read this, I'll be gone. The chalet is all yours now, have fun.
PS: Tell Badriya I am sorry for the scare back at the event.

Then I rest the last sentence of the last message I was ever going to get from him; my enemy, my opponent.  

I will miss this, and who knows? 
I might even miss you. 

No, please no. I thought, I didn't want any sort of indirect affection, and not with him of all people.

It was hard taking it all in, him leaving, him hating himself, and of course his little Badriya incident. I couldn't believe how much he hid from me, well I could, but I didn't understand how I couldn't sense this. I couldn't decipher his last five words.

I walked up from the chair and looked around, I didn't hear a sound of a car, so he must still be there. 
"Badriya?" I called out, opening the door of the chalet.
"Hmm?" she replied reluctantly, twirling a spoon of chocolate ice-cream in her mouth.
"Umm ta3alay digeega." I told her, pointing for her to come outside. Her naturally thin eyebrows expressed her confusion as she got up from the couch and walked with a sleepy leg towards me. 

"Sfeech?" she asked, leaning on her good leg.
"Uhh bagoolich shay bas latikhtar3ain, okay?" I began to say, trying to phrase what I had just read in proper sentences.
"Okay?" she asked, her dark eyes pierced through mine in hopes of reading my mind.
"Tathkireen gabl arba3 tash'hir ilevent ili bl9al7iya?" I asked. 
She looked around trying to remember. Badriya wasn't exactly a person of good memory; I started to doubt if she'd remember Majid.
"Umm la, oh ee imbala. Laish?" she asked.
I took in a deep breath, "Matathkireen wa7id kan hnak?" I asked. My question did not make sense.
"May mistaw3iba inna su2alich mala ma3na, 9a7?" she asked.
"Ugh bas shoofay hal ma86a3." I said while shaking my head, pointing at the part where he spoke about Badriya.

She placed the phone on her pale palm and began to digest the words.
I interrupted the silence, "Al7een tathkireena?"
The girl bit her lip, "Umm, ee," she simply replied meekly. "La7'6a minu hatha?" she asked in confusion.
I pointed at the modern chalet nearby, "Majid." 
Her already-wide eyes widened up even more, "Hatha?"
"Ee. Oo tara umm yt2assaf 3ala ili 9ar. Bisafir illaila, atwaqa3 6ala3 mn ilshalaih." 
"Ohh. Ma a9adig ini ma3arafta." she said. 
"Ana badish." I told her, trying to end the awkwardness. 

I walked back inside the cool chalet, and joined my cousins in their movie, whatever it was. I grabbed a handful of hot, fresh popcorn from Reem's bucket. I realized that this was probably the last minute Majid and I would ever be at the same place again. Ever.

checked my pockets for my phone but then I remembered I'd left it with Badriya, who still wasn't inside. 
Crap. I thought, what if she'd read the rest of the message then suspected that something had happened between Majid and I? 
I pounced up from the couch and walked hastily outside. Badriya was on her phone, thankfully and not mine. 
"Nisait mobiley 3indich." I told her with a chuckle. Her pale arm grabbed the phone beside her and handed it to me carefully.
"Mashkoora, mara7 itdisheen?" I asked.
"Ee al7een baddish." she replied with her eyes on her screen. 

I shrugged and walked back inside.
"May bassich it7ooseen!" Reem complained.
"Uff sorry!" I replied, plopping back down on the couch.  
Soon enough, as promised, Badriya joined us and sat down next to Shaikha. 

I got a message from Badriya.
May you okay? 

I replied to her.
Ee laish? 

I glanced at her, but she was busy texting me, supposedly.

Madri 7asaitich mt'6aiga. 
Question, latiz3ileen bas fee shay 9ayir bainkum?
Don't worry, I won't say. x

I was embarrassed to look at her for a second.

No. Maiwa6inni, oo 3ugub ili sawa feeni i9eer fee shay bainna? That would be stupid of me. 

I looked at her once again, but she didn't look back.

Aha, mbayyin shakla 7a8eer :p Yallah back to the movie! 

We both dropped our phones and continued to watch, or half-watch to me. 
I still couldn't believe I was free of Majid for good. I said that previously, but this was guaranteed, and I could sense this. 

However, I wanted to continue getting hurt by him, and I didn't know why. He was hard to please, and I was slaving away to ensure his pleasure. 
I guessed he wasn't the only sick person around, was he? 

My eyes started to get heavy, and the movie wasn't the least bit appealing. I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes for some escape. I hated over-thinking, and this was too much. 


"Yallah goomay uff! 9arlich sa3a w intay naima!" someone yelled in my ear.
"Shaikha wakhray al7een bagoom!" I told her. 
I heard three giggles, "Ana Reem yal thakiyya."
"Ugh shdarrani!" I complained. 
"Yallah goomay masawaitay jan6itich!" Shaikha pitched in while taking a huge bite out of an apple. 
"Inzain inzain lat7inoon!" I yelled out grumpily. I walked groggily to the kitchen counter and opened it up, my eyes squinted against the torturous refrigerator light. 

I grabbed a bottle of ice-cold water and opened it up, then checked the messages on my phone next to the counter. So much had happened while I was asleep. I opened on a conversation that had happened and read from the start.

I just wanted to tell you you're forgiven. I accidentally read that message of yours, I didn't mean to see it.
I'm sorry you feel that way about yourself, and I hope I wasn't the cause for it. 
Have a safe trip. 

That made no sense at all. Did I write this while I was asleep?
I continued to read. 

Who is this? 

That was from the other side. I was too sleepy to think about what was going on. I read further. My reply was:

The girl you'd seen back at the event. 

Was this even me? Wait my phone wasn't a Bold...


I hadn't placed my phone here. This wasn't my phone...


I checked my back pocket, and pulled the thing in it out. 
My phone. 

This was Badriya's phone all along. The messages were written by Badriya, but was the other person really Majid?
What was going on?