Sunday, June 10, 2012

Enemy (Part 23)

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm in a bit of a rush!

This chapter goes out to S!

His words left me tumbling over -figuratively, punching at my stomach and fueling my innards. He knew exactly what to do to throw me over, and he succeeded.
However, I had the next move, and I already felt triumphant about it.

Is it possible if we took this discussion to e-mails? My eyes are starting to sting staring at a four by three phone screen. 
As for your opinion on my cousin, it's your opinion, even though I disagree. 

I couldn't possibly ask for Badriya's phone to talk to Majid, could I? 
The man took a while to reply back, and I guessed it was because he was driving.

Yes of course.
Thank you for being so understanding, I would say unlike May, but you know, respect?
Bless your tired eyes, email me at this address below. 

I copied the email address onto my phone and deleted the messages from Badriya's. She didn't need to know any further messages. 

I emailed him from my old email, which indicated nothing of my identity. It wasn't too teenage-ish either.
Ocean39. Perfect. I changed my name from "Dreamer" to "Badriya" and composed a message to him. I was glad I took a while, I did not want to seem too "desperate".

Well if this isn't much better. Bless fifteen inches of pixels. 
We were saying?

I was still using my phone...

"Mayoon ta3alay sa3deenna nsheel iljna6! Il9bayyan yan6iroonna bara!" Shaikha yelled while hurling her bulky suitcase.

"Inzain kani al7een yaya." I yelled back, making sure my phone was placed securely in my back pocket. Thoughts circled my head; I did know what I was doing, but I felt a bit bad about what I intended to do. Yet he deserved it, so I had absolutely nothing to be sorry about. 

Reem was standing at the corner of the bed trying to lift her eye-blinding pink suitcase off of her bed. 
"Reem lo jan6itich moo fa83a hal kithr chan sa3adtich." I teased. She successfully pushed it off the bed and began to roll it outside the room in the hallway.

I checked my phone for a new email, but I received none. I secretly hoped it wouldn't turn into one of my unhealthy obsessions, checking on my phone for ridiculous emails. My suitcase was sitting unzipped on my bed, and I tried zipping it for the last time -success.

I felt the phone vibrate in my back pocket so I whipped it out, and yes, it was a new email from him. 

We were talking about your cousin, but anyway that is over. :) 
Remind me, what is your occupation? You know mine, of course. 

What really annoyed me was the fact he didn't type in Arabic or at least m3arrab; typical Majid. He just loved showing off. 

Yes I do. :)
I work as a pharmacist. 

The email was saved as draft. I wasn't lying, Badriya really was a pharmacist. I actually was lying about my own identity, but hey we both seemed to enjoy it. I enjoyed his gullibility, something I had always thought he truly lacked. I guessed not. 

I dragged my heavy bag outside the room and made sure I did not leave anything behind, especially my toothbrush since I always forget it. My muscles were straining already, I needed to get in shape badly. My cousins were in the car with a driver while my male cousins were in the car in front of ours. I decided to send him the email; the timing seemed appropriate. 

Strangely enough he replied almost immediately, he must've arrived at wherever he intended to go. 

That actually doesn't suit you, not in a bad way of course. I imagined you to be one of those businesswomen who spent their college days getting tans and makeovers instead of studying their eyes out. I'm not exactly a judgmental person, but I just imagined you to be so. My apologies, you truly proved me wrong. 
I'm actually impressed. 

I didn't know why I was offended at first; he wasn't talking about me to begin with. I replied to his email.

Well I have to admit I was a bit offended by the few first sentences, but I don't think I am anymore. I actually imagined you to be a daddy's boy, getting everything the way you want because of your various private relationships, what's the word? Ah, nepotism.
But then I realized you actually work for yourself, and I'm actually impressed. 

I pressed on Send, I had trouble writing discreetly since Shaikha and I were rubbing shoulders, and thankfully Badriya was next to Shaikha and not next to me. Save. 

"Khanmur McDonald's! Abi fries!" Reem nagged. Reem and her obsession with fries...
"La2 mi7na mareen bn3a6lhum!" I pointed at my two cousins in the car ahead of ours. Reem sat back and returned to her phone in annoyance. Mine vibrated against my lap. One new email.

That is actually what everybody thinks. And it's also one of the many many reasons I'm leaving. I'm just sick of assumptions, judgements and what I represent in some people's minds. I'm thankful you came to your right realization, Badriya, do you mind if I called you B? It's much shorter this way. 
Anyway, I better get back to finalizing my packing. I'm not so sure I'd like to come back to fetch a thing or two. 

I would too be annoyed if I were him, which is why I was thankful I got my job from my own sweat and blood. I wouldn't be enjoying a job I was insured, it was never that exciting. 

 Sorry for keeping you behind, if I actually am the cause? 
Yes, you can call me B, however I feel like it stands for that word...
And don't forget your toothbrush, I always seem to forget that for some reason.

Shaikha rested her head on my shoulder, and of course I panicked so I tossed my phone in my bag not so elegantly. 

"Shfeech khtara3tay?" a chuckling Shaikha asked while lifting her head slowly from my shoulder.
"Khara3teeni!" I replied, fixing my eyes on the road.
"Gal3a." she said and went back to her previous position. Great, I couldn't read his texts anymore.

The wait for Shaikha to get her head off my shoulder was agonizing, and out of impatience my fingers dug in the leather couch of the seat. I contemplated fidgeting a lot to get her to rest on Badriya's shoulder, but then I felt bad...

"Wai May 3'6am, la w ili yami ba3ad maku yild," Shaikha complained while rubbing the left side of her neck. "Agool Badoor badlay ma3a Reem, hathi muree7a." 

"Hey shaifatni bgara shmitni?" Reem retorted defensively. 
"Uff..." Shaikha huffed. 

I grabbed the opportunity to check on my email, so I pulled the phone out of my bag with fast motion. Not one but two new emails came from Majid. 

My finger pressed on the first email.

I would say no, but then I would be lying...but it's alright; I'm close to being done. ;) 
And a toothbrush? That's so rare to find abroad. 

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm, okay I had to admit, it made me chuckle a bit. Chuckle and not laugh. 
My finger pressed on the second email.

Oh and darling B, what has that word you have in mind got to do with anything? Honestly thought you're a very surprising person...

Just wait till you know who's actually emailing you...I wanted to type. 

Hmm I think you're a more surprising person than I am. There are many things I sense you are hiding. Should I keep poking till I know each "secret" one by one? 

I pressed on send and rested my head on the window instead of Shaikha's shoulder, which was pretty tiny. We were in the city, meaning I'd be dropped off home in no time. My phone vibrated next to my hip, which nearly made me jump in shock. Talk about surprises...

Yes that's actually true. 
Ask me whatever you want, and I'll answer wholeheartedly. 
Go. ;)


  1. I dont know why i feel he knows that its May

  2. What if Majid sends Badriya a txt to her phone continuing their conversation and Badriya reads it? He will figure out its May if not already..

    1. That can happen! LOL I had that thought in mind, but I had trouble figuring out the next part. ;P
      Smart thinking though!;)

  3. More and more excitement as the chapters continue (y) keep it up! Really looking forward to reading the last part :) x

  4. Aw thank youu so much for the dedication, it's very much appreciated! :D
    Post soon!
    Love, S x
