Thursday, June 7, 2012

Enemy (Part 22)

Sorry if the last post was confusing! I hope my replies cleared it up.
I promise not repeat that again, haha.

Dedicated to Haya (Cuteinblack), sorry about your arms :P.


Badriya had been texting Majid...
She undoubtedly had gotten the number from my phone when we were outside. It was nice of her to forgive him, but the way she did it was weird.

My eyes darted towards the glass door on the right side of the living room vigilantly while awaiting Badriya's entrance. One second, two seconds, no sign of her. 

I moved away from the kitchen counter with my bottle of ice water, and walked up to my room to fix my suitcase. 
I peered through the glass window of ours, facing Majid's room. The silhouette was gone; Majid was gone. 
I pulled out my remaining clothes from my closet and stuffed them all in my bag; I then pulled off the bedsheets from my bed and squeezed them inside the bag as well, but it was too bulky that the zipper wouldn't move. I was so frustrated that I tried sitting on the bag to close it, but it won't even bulge, I tried folding the sheets but no luck. Fresh tears spilled from my eyes in aggravation. 

Of course the tears weren't because of the bag. I was just so confused about everything that I didn't know how to feel -let alone how to think. 

I took in a deep breath and wiped the tears off my cheeks and the corners of my eyes. How weak was I to fall in such a trap? I was supposed to be happy that Majid was gone for good. These weren't tears of joy at all...

I left my suitcase unzipped and checked my face in the mirror. My small nose was red, great. I ignored it and would blame it on the sun if someone asked. I took in one last breath and went to the living room downstairs. 

Badriya sat with her legs crossed on the couch, and her phone was glued to her palm as she texted some more. I desperately wanted to peek at her screen and see if her little Majid conversation was over yet. There was no point in hiding it from her, so I might as well confront her with it.

"Badriya bakalmich ib shay." I told her as I sat next to her on the couch. I wondered how many times I'd told her that sentence today.
"Inzain?" she asked, dropping her phone next to her. 
I let out a puff of air and cleared my throat, "Okay shoofay, umm lama ga3adt mn ilnom tawa chayakt talifoni wala ashoof messages moo ana ili katbat'hum wala 6ala3 mobilich. Tara wallah sorry kilish ma kan qa9di agra." I spilled.

I could sense her stiffen up. 
"La 3adi." she said, the corners of her lips curved into a small smile, barely enough to be called a smile. I wondered how she'd react if I continued.

"Oo ilmessage ili shifta kan bainich oo bain Majid." I confessed.
Her mouth this time was shaped in a small O. "Umm..." she began, obviously having trouble explaining.
"Okay hatha baini oo bainich. Shr7ay." I told her solemnly.

This time she was the one who took a deep breath.
"Bas ra7 t3a9been." she confessed, her eyes did not meet mine, but focused on the floor instead. 
"Laa mani m3a9ba." I affirmed. Badriya was making me nervous, and I just had to know what those messages were. 

"Okay umm lama rawaiteeni ilmessage glt lazm akamla. Fa lama khalaitay mobilich 3indi gdart akamla. Ba3dain 7asait b thanb ini garaita oo thanb akbar mn Majid, 7asait inna ana sibab kilshay. Fa khathait ilra8m minich 3ashan agoolla inni msam7ita. Wallah sorry lo b2eedi chan ma sawaita, bas magidart amsk nafsi lama garait shinu kan katib 3anni." 
Badriya ended her speech with a deep breath of relief, and a bite of her lip in guilt. 

"La maykhalif, wa7da b wa7da," I joked, easing her stressed temper. "Al7een rad 3alaich?" I asked.
She chewed on her lip this time, something was up. I extended my hand in front of her as she obligingly placed the phone on my palm as I read the continuation of the messages.

Text from Majid:

Badriya replied:

Majid replied back:
Thank you for your apology acceptance, but how did you get my number?

To which Badriya replied:
I got it from May. I hope it doesn't bother you.

Well that was a lie...sort of.

Majid responded:
No it isn't, I just never thought you'd ever talk to me, let alone apologize for something I was guilty of. And sorry for the scare at the balcony. 
Are we really going to continue apologizing for the most ridiculous of things?

Yep, Majid was back.

No I think we're done here!:p 
Bye and enjoy your stay in umm I forgot the name. :S

The emoticons started to show, which meant she got used to him quickly...

Nottingham, I don't see how that's hard to remember honestly.
And thank you. Is this the end of our conversation or do you have anything else to apologize for?

Ouch. He was being as cold as ice.

Laa khala9t:p 

Then it was the end of their conversation, nothing more, and nothing less. Majid was being cold towards her as he had been, still was, to me. Maybe that was the way he treated foreign women, or everyonein general, but there wasn't an excuse to be so impertinent and rude. 

I handed her the phone and spoke, "Ee tara hathi 6aree8ta fa latit'6ayigain, daiman i3amlni chithi oo arda." I informed her.
She looked at the floor ponderously, "Ugh inarfiz." she admitted. 
I laughed at her disappointment, "Ee, takhayilay lo i9eer mudeerich." 
"Chan mit, mashallah kubartay b 3aini!" she teased. 

I felt her regret and chagrin in the tone of her voice and the fallen contours of her face. She pretended to smile, but it wasn't from the heart. It was almost like she'd felt something for him, but of course, he ignored.

Badriya wasn't that type of girl at all. She did not support relationships before marriage no matter what. She didn't flaunt herself in front of men, but her unique beauty turned heads towards her, and she paid them no attention. 

Yet this time I felt something different coming from her, and I was guessing it was because she felt bad about making a man feel guilty. 

"Badriya shfeech?" I asked her seriously this time, her eyes again shifted to the floor.
"Umm mafeeni shay? Laish?" she ased.
"Shaklich mt'6aiga." 
She shook her head, "La2, bas matwaqqa3ta chithi kilish."
I read the messages again and had an idea.

"Tabeeni akamil 3alaihum?" I asked her.
"3ala shinu?" she asked.
"Ilmessages?" I said while waving her phone at her.
She flicked her hand at me, "Kamlay, bas shbtaktibeenla?" she asked.
"Ina lazm y7tirmich? Ya3ni ma9akhha maku a7ad ma haza2a."
Badriya shrugged and fixed her eyes on the TV screen.

I sat aback and wondered what I would write to him. Then it hit me.

Actually ma khala9t. And it's not my time to apologize it's yours, I don't like the way you're replying to me.

I tried showing it to Badriya but she glimpsed at the screen and shifted her eyes back at the television, so I sent it anyway. 
"6arashtla." I told her, but she didn't even flinch, I guessed she was bummed out. 

I waited for his reply anxiously and tapped my feet impatiently; I wondered what he'd reply. 

"May khala9 uhwa qaleel iladab mani ma36eeta wayh." Badriya suddenly spoke. 
"Mt2akda?" I told her.
She sighed and nodded. 

It was too late though, he already replied.

Too bad, because that's the way I am. I have nothing to apologize for. 

I showed Badriya the screen and this time she read it. 

"Tadreen shlon? Riday 3alaih, hatha moo mal ta7gireena." she told me.
I held in my smile and continued to type.

I thought you said you wanted to change in your message to May. That you're sick of being you?

Touche, May.

I again tapped my feet in patience. Or impatience. Badriya's phone vibrated.

Smart girl. I think I'm starting to like you, Badriya. So you have earned my apology. Happy?

It's May you idiot, I wanted to type.

Damn ecstatic. 

I typed that instead.
I wondered how he'd react if he found out it was me and not Badriya typing these messages.

You seem much different from your cousin, and trust me you want to be different than her. 

I wanted to slap him, but then I realized that he was the idiot who thought it was Badriya typing those messages.


Reem and Shaikha popped out in the living room with smoothies they had made in the outer kitchen.

"Masawaitoolina?" Badriya asked.
"Imbala..." Shaikha said with a hint of uncertainty, her eyes focused on Reems' as if they were having some sort of intellectual conversation.

"Umm digeega khal nyeeblikumiya." Reem said, grabbing Shaikha by the arm.
Badriya's phone vibrated.

I don't mean to offend you, but May and I have really bad history together. May is basically a really rude and immature girl, let her tell you about that message she sent me back when I was her boss. She dissed me, and it cost her her job. Your cousin is selfish and very arrogant, sad to say over nothing. I would continue but I want to respect you. All in all, I do not like her at all, you can say I hate her, but hey she hates me back too. 
Sorry if any of this bothers you, but I'm just starting facts about your cousin.

His words did affect me and I would not like to lie. 
I realized he actually did hate me, more like loathe me, and it was just not fun and games. I did too, but then it had gotten fun. Or so I had thought.


  1. I'm really confused, what did majid do to badriya?:s wasn't he only staring at her?

    1. Yep, but he felt like he had scared her so he wanted to apologize:P

  2. And here I thought we will have a happy couple :p hahah thanks a lot, I guess it was to good to be true :p can't wait for the next one and thanks for the dedication! Love love love :* -haya

    1. LOL hmm will it still happen though?
      You're welcome, you deserve it! And thank you thank you thank you! :*

  3. I honestly think that may and majid will never be together he hates her so much! Thanks for the post!;)

  4. NO! I thought that majid and may will forgive each other and then something will happen between them :(

  5. I think May and Majid have a love/hate relationship, but they both seem to refuse to acknowledge the 'love' part in it.

    Oh, and I absolutely love love love all of your stories. You sure got writing skills!xx


    1. Hey S! Haha I'm glad I succeeded in delivering that! :D

      Thank you so much! I appreciate your support! :D

  6. WOW, really nice post *mashalla*. Can you please post more often? Please post soon <3!

    Thanks :*

    1. Thank you Noonzii! :D Yep, inshallah!
      I'm actually going to type it up now!
      Thank YOU!

  7. To be honest I recently read both stories and at first I thought they were silly however I couldn't help but get attached to them . I think you are an amazing writer an should pursue writing . All the best to you , ps- I'm an ACA student ;p

    1. Haha! Why did you first think they were silly?! :O
      Aww thank you so so much although I still believe I'm not that ready yet, so so so much to improve!
      Thank you fellow ACA-er! :D

  8. May & Majid = too good for it to be true! Hahaha 7aram.
    Anyway, I think you should use every single atom of energy in ignoring the people who say that you write in a "complicated/mtflsfa" way. You almost always write in such a clear, straightforward way... mshklthm they're airheads ma yfhmon shay.
    Good luckkkk ;*

    1. LOL yes...
      Haha I'm actually paying no attention to them! I bet their only source of literature is blogs and that's it. :/
      HAHA! Thank you! :D
