Saturday, June 2, 2012

Enemy (Part Twenty-One)

I don't know when I'll be updating Halfway Around the World. To be honest, I'm stuck in it. I thought giving myself a break from it is the right choice. Hmm...
Edit: I've edited the last part of the post as it was confusing, that's what I get for posting hastily. I hope this update cleared it up!


My last message to Majid in my life was sent. 
The contents of it weren't as zealous as I'd thought it would've been. I had imagined the message to be filled with repugnance and hate, but it clearly wasn't. If one were to read it, he wouldn't expect a dark past that united Majid and I. No, not at all.

The man replied to the message, for yet one last time in his life. 

Can't believe this is either. 
I'm glad that was your last message, which means you can't reply to what I have to say below. 

Well played; it was dumb of me to hastily end my messages for good with him. I scrolled down the screen and continued to read. 

Yes, I will be traveling tonight, it's not a sham. Secondly, the reason I asked you about your cousin Badriya wasn't the stupid reason I'd told you, I can't believe you of all people actually accepted it. Your cousin doesn't know me. Coming to think of it what I had told you earlier was partially true. I did see her somewhere, and it wasn't pleasant. 

I saw her at an event in 9al7iya about four months ago. Her boy-short hair made her easy to remember, an easy target for the public eye, or mine anyway. Mind you, it wasn't my intention to look at her, but there was something about her that made me look at her without me actually looking. Complicated, but it happened. 

She caught me looking at her so she turned and walked away, not giving me the slightest attention. We began to part our ways in the event but then I found her again, and I tried to lose myself in the crowd yet I always keep ending up by her. As if fate was trying to tell me something.

His last message was long, but it was worth it being long. I was actually reading a story, a story that had happened between my cousin and someone I hated. I continued reading. 

And that was it for the rest of the night; it stopped right there. I never saw her again until I realized who she was. She acted like she did not recognize me, I didn't know if that was genuine or if she was trying to hide it all up. 
However I felt nothing about her. Come on, May, you know me. I was born heartless. The only person I almost felt something about was you. And that was it. 

I don't get why I am so apathetic, how careless I am of my own life, how I can't sense how angry I get at others. As for my parents, I don't think they even classify me as their son anymore, because of how mistreating and disgusting I'm getting.
That is making me sick, which is why I need to leave. 

I can't stand myself anymore. Your messages and e-mails made me realize how big of a monster I was. I realize, but I never seem to change. It's like I love what I've become. 

Sick, isn't it? Now you know my weak spot, but it's too late for you to use it.
I guess that's the last bit of my message. By the time you read this, I'll be gone. The chalet is all yours now, have fun.
PS: Tell Badriya I am sorry for the scare back at the event.

Then I rest the last sentence of the last message I was ever going to get from him; my enemy, my opponent.  

I will miss this, and who knows? 
I might even miss you. 

No, please no. I thought, I didn't want any sort of indirect affection, and not with him of all people.

It was hard taking it all in, him leaving, him hating himself, and of course his little Badriya incident. I couldn't believe how much he hid from me, well I could, but I didn't understand how I couldn't sense this. I couldn't decipher his last five words.

I walked up from the chair and looked around, I didn't hear a sound of a car, so he must still be there. 
"Badriya?" I called out, opening the door of the chalet.
"Hmm?" she replied reluctantly, twirling a spoon of chocolate ice-cream in her mouth.
"Umm ta3alay digeega." I told her, pointing for her to come outside. Her naturally thin eyebrows expressed her confusion as she got up from the couch and walked with a sleepy leg towards me. 

"Sfeech?" she asked, leaning on her good leg.
"Uhh bagoolich shay bas latikhtar3ain, okay?" I began to say, trying to phrase what I had just read in proper sentences.
"Okay?" she asked, her dark eyes pierced through mine in hopes of reading my mind.
"Tathkireen gabl arba3 tash'hir ilevent ili bl9al7iya?" I asked. 
She looked around trying to remember. Badriya wasn't exactly a person of good memory; I started to doubt if she'd remember Majid.
"Umm la, oh ee imbala. Laish?" she asked.
I took in a deep breath, "Matathkireen wa7id kan hnak?" I asked. My question did not make sense.
"May mistaw3iba inna su2alich mala ma3na, 9a7?" she asked.
"Ugh bas shoofay hal ma86a3." I said while shaking my head, pointing at the part where he spoke about Badriya.

She placed the phone on her pale palm and began to digest the words.
I interrupted the silence, "Al7een tathkireena?"
The girl bit her lip, "Umm, ee," she simply replied meekly. "La7'6a minu hatha?" she asked in confusion.
I pointed at the modern chalet nearby, "Majid." 
Her already-wide eyes widened up even more, "Hatha?"
"Ee. Oo tara umm yt2assaf 3ala ili 9ar. Bisafir illaila, atwaqa3 6ala3 mn ilshalaih." 
"Ohh. Ma a9adig ini ma3arafta." she said. 
"Ana badish." I told her, trying to end the awkwardness. 

I walked back inside the cool chalet, and joined my cousins in their movie, whatever it was. I grabbed a handful of hot, fresh popcorn from Reem's bucket. I realized that this was probably the last minute Majid and I would ever be at the same place again. Ever.

checked my pockets for my phone but then I remembered I'd left it with Badriya, who still wasn't inside. 
Crap. I thought, what if she'd read the rest of the message then suspected that something had happened between Majid and I? 
I pounced up from the couch and walked hastily outside. Badriya was on her phone, thankfully and not mine. 
"Nisait mobiley 3indich." I told her with a chuckle. Her pale arm grabbed the phone beside her and handed it to me carefully.
"Mashkoora, mara7 itdisheen?" I asked.
"Ee al7een baddish." she replied with her eyes on her screen. 

I shrugged and walked back inside.
"May bassich it7ooseen!" Reem complained.
"Uff sorry!" I replied, plopping back down on the couch.  
Soon enough, as promised, Badriya joined us and sat down next to Shaikha. 

I got a message from Badriya.
May you okay? 

I replied to her.
Ee laish? 

I glanced at her, but she was busy texting me, supposedly.

Madri 7asaitich mt'6aiga. 
Question, latiz3ileen bas fee shay 9ayir bainkum?
Don't worry, I won't say. x

I was embarrassed to look at her for a second.

No. Maiwa6inni, oo 3ugub ili sawa feeni i9eer fee shay bainna? That would be stupid of me. 

I looked at her once again, but she didn't look back.

Aha, mbayyin shakla 7a8eer :p Yallah back to the movie! 

We both dropped our phones and continued to watch, or half-watch to me. 
I still couldn't believe I was free of Majid for good. I said that previously, but this was guaranteed, and I could sense this. 

However, I wanted to continue getting hurt by him, and I didn't know why. He was hard to please, and I was slaving away to ensure his pleasure. 
I guessed he wasn't the only sick person around, was he? 

My eyes started to get heavy, and the movie wasn't the least bit appealing. I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes for some escape. I hated over-thinking, and this was too much. 


"Yallah goomay uff! 9arlich sa3a w intay naima!" someone yelled in my ear.
"Shaikha wakhray al7een bagoom!" I told her. 
I heard three giggles, "Ana Reem yal thakiyya."
"Ugh shdarrani!" I complained. 
"Yallah goomay masawaitay jan6itich!" Shaikha pitched in while taking a huge bite out of an apple. 
"Inzain inzain lat7inoon!" I yelled out grumpily. I walked groggily to the kitchen counter and opened it up, my eyes squinted against the torturous refrigerator light. 

I grabbed a bottle of ice-cold water and opened it up, then checked the messages on my phone next to the counter. So much had happened while I was asleep. I opened on a conversation that had happened and read from the start.

I just wanted to tell you you're forgiven. I accidentally read that message of yours, I didn't mean to see it.
I'm sorry you feel that way about yourself, and I hope I wasn't the cause for it. 
Have a safe trip. 

That made no sense at all. Did I write this while I was asleep?
I continued to read. 

Who is this? 

That was from the other side. I was too sleepy to think about what was going on. I read further. My reply was:

The girl you'd seen back at the event. 

Was this even me? Wait my phone wasn't a Bold...


I hadn't placed my phone here. This wasn't my phone...


I checked my back pocket, and pulled the thing in it out. 
My phone. 

This was Badriya's phone all along. The messages were written by Badriya, but was the other person really Majid?
What was going on? 


  1. I don't get it... Can you explain to me:s and what was the event with badriya? Oh and who's phones is who's can you just explain:p

    1. I edited the lat part, I hope it cleared it out!
      Ina Majid saw Badriya at an event before!
      The phone was Badriya's when May thought it was hers! :P

  2. I am mixed up but I think May texted using the wrong phone. Please post soon and un-confuse us, readers <3!

    Thanks :*

    1. LOL she read the conversation that had happened which she thought was on her phone!:p I edited the last part, I hope it's cleared out!
      Sorry for the confusion and thank you for reading!

    2. I still didn't understand .. What happened on that event ?

    3. Nothing, he just saw her and he was sort of intrigued by her in a way, and he couldn't resist looking at her. They kept running into each other at the event, and he thought that meant something. But it didn't because he considers himself to be a heartless monster.

  3. eb9ara7a your writing style is amazing t3rfen shlon you make the readers entertained and looking for more ... mashalah 3leek ;)

  4. I came across this blog in one of Masquerade's tweets (@vieblogue), as she recommended it. I first started reading your story to avoid studying for my finals, but as I kept reading, I was amazed by your writing. To put it simply: I fell in love with the story. Most blogs are about young, madly-in-love couples; yours, however, has a unique plot. It reveals how us humans truly are; we want those who hurt us the most. The best written works are the ones which touch people's hearts; your blog definitely got to me because it reminds me so much of my own past. I've never written a comment for anything before, nevermind a blog. This is my first (and longest) comment; you deserved it. Beautiful story, can't wait for the rest.
    S-reader x

    1. Oh wow, I kept reading your comment over and over again. No words can sum up how thankful I am for this wonderful comment! I'm actually having a hard time putting it into words! This truly made my day! I'm very honored to have my blog read by you! Thank you again so much for the kind comment!
      I hope to continue hearing from you! And I hope I won't let you down ;P x

    2. No, thank YOU for this story, and I'm sure you'll surprise me with your brilliance even more. I'll make sure to become a frequent commentator and share my thoughts and reflections with you! (P.S. I'm still in awe by your story). Best of luck writing the rest.
      S-reader x

    3. Aww thank you! Haha I'm waiting for your comments!
      Thank you so much again for you kind words, I'm blessed to have a reader like yourself! x

  5. Yeeeeey you finally wrote a long part :p as the reader above me said , your writings are really unique , never read like them before ;p
    Keep up the good work dudesta ;p

    1. Yep, I owed you! :P Thank you so much, it means a lot! :D
      LOL hathi awal marra asma3ha!

  6. How is it that each time I read a post I get more attached to the story! Its like you intend to drag us in! Mashallaaa I'm in love with each and every post! 7ata law sa3aat mar'6aa ina majid bysafer bas I think you have a convincing reason 9a7 :p
    Loved it ;*

    1. Haha! Thank you so much, Red! :D LOL I'm glad I have a convincing reason, whew! :P
      Thank you! :D :*

  7. Replies
    1. LOL what are you lost with?
      May read Badriya's convo with Majid at the end.
      Mm as for the event, Majid thought that there was something happening between them when he realized it was nothing, making him feel that he had no feelings towards anyone.
      I hope this helped :P
