Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A farewell post.

Hello there!

It's been a glorious two years, and I really appreciate all the support I've gotten over the years!

Although you've witnessed my rather mediocre writing, which just seems to get worse every time I post just on Blogger, I gladly appreciate your time to read what I have to offer! 

I'm going to leave Blogger right after my contest ends in a week or so. To be honest, I just don't feel comfortable on here anymore, and I find myself just hauling my fingers to the keyboard to type. I just don't find it very "me" here and I don't like it. 

I wish the new bloggers the best of luck with their stories, and the old ones a wave goodbye because I've grown attached to them over my two years on here. 

Again, thank you all for the support, especially to my dedicated readers (this seemed longer in my head, oops). I really appreciate it!

I wish you all the best in everything, and will miss you all dearly, 



  1. goodbye and i will miss u and ur stories cuz i dont comment alot i am kinda silent reader but thx for ur time to write the stories we did enjoy it :D its sad tough u are going :/ -F

    1. Thank you, F! And thank you for your time reading my stories! :)

  2. Awesome loved it

  3. We loved every bit of all your stories <3

  4. I really cant believe it's all over... i've been a silent reader for a while well ever since you started your first story and all i can say is mashallah your writing has gotten better and better! Allah yiwafgich oo oo oo wallah i sure am gonna miss seeing your blog pop up whenever you post :c bubye 😭

    1. Thank you soooo much! :D Haha I'm glad I won't see the blogger interface again!xD

  5. Forgot to add my name!! Previous anonymous comment \o/

    Hubba hubba

    1. :O IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?! OMG shakhbariii!

  6. I loved all your stories, thank you
    Continue halfway around the world

    1. Dont leave i cannt live without you

    2. N12: Thank you so much! I appreciate your support! I actually ended it...And i feel guilty for rushing it ;P

      Anonymous: Aww :( I'm sorry! :( You can still keep in touch with me on email/twitter! :D

    3. La please continue strangers w lets know more about Danya's life, please for my sake atleast keep one story w lock your blog etha you want w 3a6ay certian people your password etha you're facing trouble


  8. Farewell our beloved blogger.It's been 2 years now and I still remember the firs time u posted you're first chapter.
    You're are amazing and you will always be.
    I'm truly going to miss every single thing about ur story specially you're compacted rather mediocre writing,And to be honest ?I loved it.I really do that's what made ur stories unique.
    But however it's ur life and do whatever makes you happy.
    That was a great journey And I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

    Alla ywafgk and I hope you have a great life xx

    -SA I guess I'm not a silent reader anymore :p

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Can you please not shut down your blog because my friend is really inteested in reading it since I've suggesed it to her.

    I've enjoyed your story very, very, very much! You've got great witing skills so if you wish to stop writing on blogger I would be extremly happy if you continued them outside of blogger even though I won't know if you did or not. I will truly miss you terribly and I will miss your very creative, action packed stories!

    With my greatest regards,

  11. I'm sorry I meant interested(end of first line) and writing(end of third line) in my previous comment.
