Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Enemy (Epilogue) (Finale)

So this is almost the end of me as a blogger, since I only have one story left to finish! 

I hope you enjoy this last installment even though I think it's icky. It's been fun writing this story!


I did it.
I did marry him. 

Do I regret it?
Not a single bit. 

The pieces of guilt I'd felt were gone, and he was shedding off his bad skin every single day. He was changing, and I just loved how much of a person he's become. 
He apologized for everything, and I forgave him for everything. Because not forgiving him would benefit no one.  

He did change. That cold Majid was now more "human", in a way. He started to go to dwaniyas, had actual friends, and even reconciled with his parents after our engagement. His parents couldn't be happier. 

Towards me, we did have our small bitter moments, but we'd forget about them in a second. Yet we enjoyed them, and we knew we meant no harm. Confusing but that's a Majid thing. I started to become a bit like him. He was right; I was the key to the change. He's still smart Majid. 

Reem is engaged now to a guy I used to work with. My aunts and mother can't be happier now three girls were not single anymore. 
I sometimes felt Majid tense around Badriya but he soon lightened up when he remembered she had nothing to do with the emails. 

I realized that opposites attract. 
Because my enemy, is now my best friend. 


  1. aw happy ending :D

  2. i'm seriously crying right now :( i loved this story so much! i actually got attached to the characters, beautiful ending btw x gonna miss yooouuuu

    1. Aww thank you so much! I'm gonna miss you all! :(

  3. Amazing post, but it would be great if there was details about how they lived a conversation or a moment.

    1. I highly agree, but I was in a veeeery rushed mood, and I just wanted to end my blog once and for all. :/

  4. Yayyyyyy! HAPPY ENDING IN BOTH STORIES! Double yayyyy! Tabeen agoolich ana shkither a7ibich al7een cause 9adgeeny mara7 a5ali9! I FREGGIN love your stories oo I effin love youu moreee! Okay bs last question....al7een ihma i7iboon ba3a'6 or like they're just best friends who are trying to help each other?!!! SHUKRAN JAZEELAN!!!!!!!

    -D :)

    1. Awwww thank you so muuuuuch!
      Aaah sorry for not making that clear! A bit of both I guess! :) After all, there is a fine line between love and hate, right? :D

  5. amazing ending in both storied? I couldn't be happier! Ashkurik<3
    - L

  6. Amazing ending in both stories? I couldn't be happier! Ashkurik<3
    - L

  7. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! I read the last three chapters together, and every time I had to wait for the browser to open I would curse at my computer for being too slow. This story AND Strangers are THE BEST. I truly loved both of those stories so much. I will defiantly miss them. It's a shame that your leaving blogger, but I wish you all the best in your future. Oh and one more thing, Don't stop writing even if it's not on blogspot cause you have a gift that you need to show the world. (; . -Farah

    1. HAHAHA! Thank you so so much! :D Aww thank you! Inshallah I won't stop! ;p
      Thank you so much for your never-lasting support, Farah! I'll surely miss your comments!
