Friday, July 20, 2012

Enemy (Part 27)

Sorry for the wait! :) 
I hope the first day of Ramadan went well, it did for me, il7mdillah! 
I am sort of rushing this story too, so it's going to end soon hopefully.
(Notice: I'm hosting a writing contest, details are on the previous post, thanks!)


Lipstick, check. Mascara, check. Eyeshadow, check. Blush, check. 
I mentally ticked off my short makeup list, and pulled on my black flats -my feet were killing me-. I made one last check at the mirror on my bedroom wall, and I was actually impressed with the final "me" product. 
I facially looked good, and my dark brown hair reached to my mid forearm, As for my weight I was just too skinny, especially in my knee-length black dress. I hoped for good food tonight at Reem's grandmother's house. 

Clutching my purse and phone, I left the house with a loud goodbye and unlocked my car. Of course someone still kept on pestering my head, but I decided to throw it out with the towel once and for all. 

With many twists, turns, honks and of course, mounting amounts of traffic lights, I was at Reem's grandmother's place at eight-fifteen. Fifteen minutes late, and I'm usually the "punctual" type.

I walked through the already open metal gates of the house, then through the granite flooring of the yard and up the stairs to the entrance of the also open door. I made my way through the vast white, classical foyer and inside the overly furnished house. Pink and red mingled with white seemed to be the concentrated colors of the house, something a grandmother would use. 

I continued walking until I followed the sound of Reem's relatives outside the other side of the house, apparently everyone was eating at the buffet. Rows of heated dishes with candles beneath them stood on a long table, forming an L across the garden. I mentally gave myself a pat on the back for wearing flats, because a lot of girls started to sink in the soil with their stilettos. 

"May!" I heard Reem screech, I smiled and gave her a hug. Then she dragged me across by my hand to say hello to her relatives, whom I'd seen before...
Fahad, who was leaning by the door, gave me a small wave and I smiled politely in return. He didn't change at all, same unkempt black hair, semi-tan face and lanky body. 

"Yallah nichbay! Shoofay sh'6i3fich 9aira!" Badriya told me, when ironically she was a tad bit thinner than I was. 
"La oo intay?" I asked her mockingly. She shrugged and tucked her side bang to the side. Her hair literally never changed its height for a long time. At first I suspected it was a wig, but then she told me she'd get her hair cut whenever it grew a whole centimeter at the most. Yet she'd always manage look gorgeous with it, and never got boring at all. 

I added at least eight pieces of wara8 3anab, two sliders, three Caesar's pizzas, and a cheese 9aj. 
"Ya7lailich," Reem's great aunt Salwa said while looking at my plate with a smile. I flushed all shades of red and walked hastily to our table. 

"May tabeen shay tshribeena?" Reem said while tracing the glass rim of her Coke bottle. 
"Umm Sprite, please," I replied. Reem nodded and got up from her chair while taking a sip of Coke.
"Ana gltlich 76ay bas 3ad moo hal kithir," Badriya said while eying my plate. 
I scoffed, "3alay bil 3afya." 
"Baroo7 il7amam digeega, minu biyi ma3ai?" Badriya asked while fixing her hair again. 
"Mali khilg," Shaikha whined, and I pointed at my plate. Badriya huffed while leaving, and was soon replaced by Reem with my Sprite. 
"Thank you!" I said out loud. Khalti Salwa, who was sitting at the table near us, turned at me and smiled. I flushed yet again and chugged my Sprite out of embarrassment just like foreigners did with beer.

The gathering was almost coming to an end, but I truly did have a great time. We spent three hours talking to Reem's girl cousins, who happened to be simply hilarious. Of course, talking and eating from the dessert table. 
One of the girls was actually employed at my previous workplace, the one where Majid was my boss. She told me things were much calmer now that he left, but that didn't mean they were better. I actually thought coming here would make me forget about my little accident with him, but no, Majid was everywhere.  

We said our goodbye's to almost everyone, and I avoided making eye contact with Khalti Salwa. 
"Ma3a ilsalama banat," Fahad told the four of us, Shaikha, Reem, Badriya, and myself once we left the garden -with them holding their heels embarrassingly-. We replied to him and sprinted to our cars from the other three girls' embarrassment of their barefoot dilemma. 

I actually had fun, and it sort of steered me away from what I'd been worried about the day before. All I needed was time. 


Five months later,

"May this card for you." the maid said while taking off her slippers by the door of my room. I lifted the laptop off my lap and placed it next to me on my bed, grabbing the white and silver card from the maid's hand.
I still couldn't believe it, and it made me even feel more guilty. 
Yet I couldn't help but smile. 

It was an invitation to Badriya and Fahad's milcha coming up in the next two weeks. A tear of glee bolted down my cheek. Two people I knew and liked. 
The two had met back at the Reem's grandmother's party. Where exactly? 
When Badriya was going to the bathroom. Awkward, but crazy freaky.

I still couldn't actually believe my cousin was engaged, let alone to one of the very few guys I knew. 
My stomach quivered in uneasiness when I remembered the emails between Majid and myself, as Badriya. It didn't feel good at all. 

I placed the card next to my bed, and continued working on my research. I thought about continuing to get my master's degree, but I was just too tired of worrying about grades again. I graduated with a 3.86 grade point average and didn't want my self-esteem to be screwed up. 

My eyes felt droopy, but I just had to continue, work was all I had. I rubbed my eyes and yawned sleepily, placing my head on the headboard behind me. Sleep was winning, and was taking over just like a small dash of poison seeping through me. A small beep from the laptop startled me and woke me up from my almost-going-to-sleep state and I fought the urge to sleep. 

I saved my documents and opened a new page when the beep sounded for a second time. I checked my desktop, it was clear, then I checked my emails. That was clear as well. Then I remembered I had another email registered on my laptop, and that wasn't empty.
Sleep was no longer in my system -panic was. I hovered a shaky finger over the trackpad, contemplating whether I should open the screen or not, and I did (after taking a really long breath)


My greatest congratulations and blessings to you and Fahad, who happens to be one of my very few friends. I knew about this recently, so please pardon my late wish. 

Fahad was almost like the brother I never had, he's a really good guy. I only know you from what I've read from our e-mails to each other, but even so you're a very good-hearted girl. You're both lucky to have each other, and I wish you all the best of luck. 

As of our e-mails, I think we should delete them, don't you think? I mean putting myself in Fahad's shoes, I'm not really sure of my fiancee's emails to my friend. I'm not meaning anything rude here, no. We did nothing wrong, and we both knew our limits. I just don't think Fahad will like it knowing that you and I had long e-mail conversations, so let's just put it all behind us. 
Here's the hard part of this e-mail, If you ever feel like there was anything at all between us, just please ignore it. You're a good girl with a pure heart, he's a very lucky man.

Again, I wish you both the best,

What did I get myself into?


  1. loved it !!! cant wait for the next one !! welcome back ;)

  2. I really liked it *.* don't be late please :$ thanks & Ramdhan kareem :*

  3. Im addicted to ur blog

    - Haya
