Thursday, April 26, 2012

Enemy (Part 16)

Much hate for Majid, I see! 


My eyes scanned his foul, distasteful message repeatedly, my lips formed a wide O as I carried to read continuously.
I was disgusted at this selfish, cocky person who had no doubts about sending me this brusque message, filled with mockery and hate. 
That professional side of him melted as the arrogance in him surfaced, making me fill with repugnance. 

"Ubai. 8aleel iladab, 7a8eer, wa9ikh, g6ee3a! May shbtrideen 3alaih?" Reem asked, her eyes filled with bewilderment, I guessed it was not just me who got scarred by the message.
I could not reply to her, he left me paralyzed. 
"May?" she repeated. 
"Umm madri, mani rada 3alaih." I told her, I stuffed the phone in my purse, I did not want to look at the message again.
"Ilaw3 ilchabd, wai3 ubai lail7een mani m9adga!" Reem complained. 

Without her consent I ordered the check, I did not feel like eating, and surely Reem lost her appetite after reading that disgusting message.
Sick message. 


The cold sheets tingled my soft skin as I slid inside. I stretched out my arm to turn off the bed lamp  beside me. I knew I would not sleep until I'd accomplished something I was recoiling from. 
I stretched my other arm out of the bed again, grabbing the black purse from the floor. I pulled out my phone, ignoring the number of messages I'd gotten.

I hadn't deleted his message despite my aggravation and abhorrence towards it. I just couldn't. 

I took a deep breath as I thought of the perfect words to reply. 

You finally realized that. 
I'm not avoiding you, I'm just avoiding what you bring with your presence, something that is not pleasant to either of us. If not everyone.
I hope I don't run into you either, you don't deserve to be around me. Yes, you are an ass. A major one too. 
I don't regret saying any of that because, as you said, we will never meet again. Ever.
You're also a sadistic jerk. The more the merrier, right? 
I'm glad I got that off my chest, I really am glad. Offended? 
I don't give a f*ck.
I hope you have a great, great life as well. 
I know I'll finally be having one. Thank you for all the damage you caused, it really worked. 

I didn't realize how big my smile was. 
I didn't care how childish my message sounded like, it was nothing compared to Majid's. 
He did not show me respect. Well guess what.
In order to get respect you have to earn it. 
Right now, he was broke.

I slammed my phone with pride on the table next to me, I couldn't sleep from the excitement, which I found pretty funny. 

Yet it flashed. 

I never expected you to reply, and I never expected myself to reply. 
What a message, May. What a message. 
The inner b*tch of you is back in action, I'm proud.
And you're welcome. 
It was f*cking worth it. ;)

Those "apologies" were never true. My eyes started to water, I could not believe myself.
I was tearing up over a stupid message. 

I bet you make your parents proud with your matchless respect to girls. 
I can't believe I befriended you once. 
I can't believe how much I trusted you, had trusted you.
Now you're nothing. You're absolutely nothing. 

I wiped that meaningless tear off my cheek, I tried so hard to keep that tear from falling, but what came up had to come down. 

My parents are none of your issue.
And unlike yours, they're actually proud of me. Very proud.
Well too bad.
Because I can't believe how I nearly fell for you once.
Now you're nothing. You're absolutely nothing.

My heart ripped. 
I re-read that sentence again. 
I can't believe how I nearly fell for you once. 

He never had discussed how he felt about me, now this was a complete surprise.
And the word "surprise" did not suffice.

Deleting your number from my phone and you from my life. 
Have a good night.

I wiped off the final tear as I deleted our conversation, our whole conversation.

I did not know why I wasn't elated now Majid was out of my life for good.
No more threats.
No more bad memories.
No more doubts and insecurity.

My enemy was gone, I was free, out of my cocoon, out of my cage. 
Strangely I hadn't felt like a butterfly.
I guessed the reason was because of that one sentence Majid had typed. One sentence ruined it all. 
Howbeit, I did not like him. I did not have feelings for such a monster, it would be bestiality if I had any.
And it was disgusting.

I turned off my phone and forced a smile on my face. I was never going to see Majid again. Forever.
That thought lit up a sincere smile. 

But was that really true?  

Friday, April 20, 2012

Enemy (Part 15)

Enjoy your weekend!

And enjoy this post!

I entered the office for probably the last time of my life, that was if Reem's plan did not work. I met up with Majid and Istath 3umar in the meeting room on the fifth floor. Majid eyed me from head to toe, angry that I had offered my resignation before he got the chance to fire me. Istath 3umar scanned the documents in front of him. 

"Ilsalam 3alaikum." I said out loud.
"W3alaikum ilsalam." the two men said in unison. 
I sat on the chair facing Majid, Istath 3umar sat in the head. 

"Isatha May ist8altich faja2tna, laish 3ad kintay mn a7san ilmuwa'6afat." Istath 3umar complained.
"Mashkoor bas 9arat '6uroof oo magdar akamel." I replied, eying Majid, who in return stared at the wall in front of him. Istath 3umar  huffed in regret and placed the documents in front of me, pointing for me where to sign. 

After what seemed like hours of reading and signing, I was officially jobless. I said goodbye to Istath 3umar who was still complaining about my leaving, while Majid seemed sort of grateful. I guessed it was because he didn't have a reminder of his dark past showing up to work every single day of the week. Except for two days. 

I sent a sarcastic text to Reem.

Barkeeli, I'm officially unemployed. 

I did not know what to do next. I decided to go home and watch movies 'til I slept. Then repeat that process over and over again for the rest of my life. 

Mabrook! You're gonna get your job back oo azyad ba3ad :* trust me! 

Reem texted. I loved how confident she was, I wasn't so sure about this plan of hers, but it was all I could manage. 


"Reem, please gooleeli wain bnroo7!" I nagged at her while buckling my seatbelt. It was almost eight at night and we were going out to dinner. 

"Laa, surprise! Oo uhwa part mn ilplan!" she explained. 

I rolled my eyes, "Shgalaw khalti oo 3ami 3an sh'3lich?" she asked.
I shrugged, "3a99ibaw akeed, bas hadaw shwaya lama gltlihum killish marti7t." 

I had a long conversation with them after lunch as I spoke to them about my quitting. There was a lot of anger going around but at the end they both settled and accepted the truth, it wasn't the end, of course.

Reem drove and drove, I stopped guessing after we'd passed a lot of restaurants. She then parked at the Avenues as we both got down from the car.

"Reem, wain rai7een?" I repeated. 
"Wai May shoofay!" she replied irritatedly. 

We walked and walked some more, weaving through the crowds of people until we reached our supposed final destination -Maki. 

"Inzain ya3ni goolay Maki!" I told her, annoyed. We- Reem, chose to sit inside. The waiter ushered us inside the restaurant.

I froze, and grabbed Reem by her arm. "Reem! Mabi!" I exclaimed. 

Majid was at a table chatting with three friends, one of them was Fahad. What a small world, he did not pay any attention to us, and neither did Fahad.

We sat at a table nearby, of course Reem had to make me face Majid, who was still engrossed in his own chat. 

"Reem, please shr7eeli shlsafa." I ordered, I was officially fed up with all of this. 

Reem smiled semi-diabolically, she cleared her throat and opened the menu nonchalantly, "Fahad i3aref Majid oo gltla lai 6ala3 ma3a igooli. Fa galli, oo al7een work your charm." 

I rolled my eyes at Reem, "Please latsaweenha mara thanya. Shba3t minna, mabi 'I work my charm' 3alaih. Ana akrah hal rayyal oo ma awa6na," I whispered to her. I was sick of him and his ways, his personality, his everything. I was going to apply to other firms and that was final. No charm, nothing.
"Ba'3ayer mukani oo ba3gad bara." I announced to her. 

I got up from my chair forcefully nearly bumping into the waiter, "Sorry." I muttered to him. I did not look at the men's direction, I did not want anything to do with Majid. 

My phone's screen lit up as I received a text from Fahad.

Warakum matsalmoon? Kidding, bl 3afya. 

I texted him back.

Sorry we saw you though. Allah y3afeek, inta ba3ad! 

He texted me back quickly.

Majid was your boss? 

I replied. 

Ee, laish?

I got another text from him.

La bas '3areeba. :p

I texted him. 

Yeah I quit today though. 

Reem and I ordered our food and I checked my phone to find another text from Fahad.

Afa! Mn Majid?

Smart boy.

Sorry, I don't want to talk about it.

He'd understand it. After all, he was smart.

My apologies. Tara shwaya w n6la3. I thought Reem asked me for his whereabouts for you to avoid him?

I stared at Reem for a second.

More like the opposite according to Reem. But me to avoid him. 

Soon enough, the four men left the restaurant and walked towards us. Fahad smiled at us quickly as Majid checked his phone. I drank from my glass of water and placed it in front of me. 

Reem kicked me on the shins hard as I banged my knee hard on the table, causing my glass of water to spill and shatter into a million pieces. Consequently shifting the attention of the four men to us. 


"Reem." I said between gritted teeth. She surely grabbed their attention.

Majid looked at me surprised, for a second I thought he'd added eyeliner. The man's dark hair was pulled away from his face, embracing his masculine features, those sharp eyebrows, thick, long eyelashes, complimenting his dark eyes and luscious red lips. But a foul personality accompanied that beautiful face.
I quickly turned my gaze away from him and back at Reem. 

"Reem bathbi7ich." I told her. The waiter came up and cleaned the fragments of glass surrounding us, for my joy, the four men had left. Fahad texted me.

Smooth move. 

I ignored his text, I did not want him to text me whenever he felt like it. 

"Sorry wallah, ubai wallah moo qa9di, killish!" Reem said jumpily. 

"3adi," I said, "bas please latsaweenha!" 

She pouted apologetically as she dug in her salad. I played with my fork and pieces of lettuce. My screen flashed, I was going to kill Fahad. This time, it wasn't from him.

Please don't forget to pick up your things from your desk tomorrow. 

I was never going to get this office thing done, was I?

I texted Majid back.

I won't, thank you for the reminder. 

I continued eating before he texted me back.

You're welcome. I just realized I'm interrupting your dinner, sorry. 

That was a slow realization. 

It's alright, I'll pass by at 9:00 tomorrow inshallah.

I clicked send. He replied instantly.

I'll be at a meeting by then. Perfect timing. 

I scoffed, how obnxious. Reem eyed me, "Baraweech al7een." I said, my eyes focused on the screen.

Excuse me?

I showed the convo to Reem who took forever to read the message. As soon as she reached the last message she gasped, "8aleel iladab!" she exasperated, "Wai3 ubai shl-" she gasped again, "Ka rad!" 

We saw the text together.

May, I'm not stupid. You're clearly avoiding me, as I am avoiding you. I know you wish tonight will be our last time we see each other. Because I surely do, I'm actually glad you quit before I had gotten the chance to fire you. Call me an ass or whatever, I seriously don't care. 
We won't see each other again so we might as well reveal it all. 
Please delete my number from your contact list. I've already deleted yours. It's much preferred if you don't reply.
Have a great life,

Monday, April 16, 2012

Enemy (Part 14)

I edited the last posts, I hated the way I had written the dialogues, so amateur of me!


"6arashta 7ag Majid! Reem shasawi?" I nearly screamed through the phone. It was very very stupid and immature of me to compose that text, fear, failure and terror ran in my body. I was screwed, more than screwed. 

"Ubai May maynoona?" Reem replied, "gooleela you quit ba3ad shtsaween? A7san mn inna ya6ridich! digay 3ala mudeer Majid ili kan mudeerich al7een!" 

I didn't want to quit, nor did I want to get fired, the latter was inevitable. And it was worse than the former. I looked at my phone. Majid was calling.

"Reem Majid ga3d idig!" I said, choking up.
"7igri oo goolay 7ag mudeerich innich you quit. " 
"T'hagain?" I asked.
"Tabeena ya6ridich?" 

I pressed on my temple, it was so hard. I felt like a failure at that moment, I screwed up big time.
I told Reem I'd notify her on what's going to happen and called my former -Majid's- boss.

He was busy, instead I composed a message to him.

Hello Mr. Omar,

I'm sorry to inform you that I resign from my position in the company for various reasons. Please call me as soon as possible.

Thank you, May Al-T.

I felt so bad writing that message, but I pressed Send anyway.

Majid called again. This time I didn't ignore.

"Aloo?" I said, my voice was shaky.
"Isatha May, shnu hal message ili m6-"

I couldn't help interrupting him.

"Adri, w ana asfa 3ala hal message, '3ala6 oo sakheef mini. Fa chithi laish qaddamt istiqalti 3nd istath 3umar." 

There was silence on the other end. 

"Zain. L2anich ta3adaitay il7dood oo magdart a6aweflich hal marra. Akalm ilistath 3umar, ana mwafiq 3ala istiqaltich, bas madri 3anna."

"Okay mashkoor." I replied. 

He didn't reply.

"Majid wallah wayed mt2asfa 3ala hal message. Ma adri shlon ktabta, knt m3a9ba oo knt ta3bana, ana a3tithir 3ala ili sawaita." I apologized again.

"Ma3a ilsalama." was all he could say.

The conversation ended. 

I sighed as I sat on my bed, tears started to form. I couldn't imagine how one message could ruin someone's life. I dialed Reem, making sure it was her at first. 

"Reem sh9ar 3alaich?" Reem asked worriedly.
"Qaddamt istiqalti, Majid mwafeq. Oo ta2asaft mina. Reem al7een shbagool 7ag umi oo ubooy? Wain asht'3el?" I kept on asking. 
Reem was my savior, I felt that she was an expert at everything.

"Umm May, ma kamaltlich." Reem replied.
I sighed, "shnu?"
"Get the job back." 

I shook my head in confusion, the girl was certainly not making any sense. Any sense, at all.

"May. Majid. Nafs ila7ruf."
"Reem are you high?" I asked.
"May 3an ilkhadai! Intay al7een maku ay shay professional bainich oo bain Majid. Fihmay!"

I gasped loudly, "Reem wain ga3deen b amreeka 3ashan hal suwalif?" I retorted.
Was she serious?
Reem laughed, "La! Moo lai hnak 3ad, bas use your charm oo riday 7ag wa'6eeftich. Sahla." 

Sahla? What was she talking about? Way easier said than done.

"Reem la. Mabi ashoof wayh Majid 6ool 3umri. Baqadm 3nd katha sharika w ashoof, a9lan lail7een madri itha Istath 3umar ra'6i 3ala stiqalti!" 

"Itha ma r'6a, Majid bifanshich, 9adgeeni." she did make sense.

I didn't want to lower myself to those standards just to get my job back. What if everything went wrong? What if he knew what I was up to?

But something just had to be done.

"Reem mabi anazl nafsi lai hal mustawa!" I replied.

"May. Ma gltlich 6bay 3nda aw '3azlee, la wai3! Do it subtly, you have an amazing personality wallah. Uhwa bas shaf your bad side l2ana khalach t6al3eena. Al7een yabeech t6al3een the May ili a3arfha. Be yourself, hatha qa9di, moo wa7da mn a burlesque show wala shay chithi! Min 9ijich 7asbalich qa9di chithi?"

Reem started to laugh again, if only it were that easy. I sighed while thinking deeply. 

"Mmm, ashoof. L2ani 7adi mtwahga al7een, oo madri shbagool 7ag umi oo ubooy. Surprise, ma asht'3il?" 


I rolled my eyes, it was nearly midnight, "Bye Reem, 7adi ta3bana."

"Ee ana ba3ad, gooleeli shi9eer okay?"

"Akeed!" I replied.

Tomorrow I was about to know whether or not I was jobless. I was for sure, it was either me quitting or me being fired. 

Then the real job begins. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Enemy (Part 13)

A reader told me the white font was distracting, so I thought I'd change it. Do you like it this way?

Anyway, enjoy!

I decided to go with the keep my job part, even though it might torture me internally. Scratch might, will. At least it was better than losing my job to some loser who thinks he can get away with anything. 

I parked at Reem's grandma's house, a classical Kuwaiti house with a gate to enter. My feet waddled across the hard floor of the small atrium. I was dead tired, but my social job for the day had to be done, and I knew Reem was going to murder me cold-bloodedly if I did not come. The house was empty as well, which I found to be rather odd. I walked inside of the house, weaving my way between obstacles till audible laughters and chatters filled my ears, a sigh of relief escaped my lips. 

There was a buffet outside the large garden, my aunts and uncles, as well as cousins were busy eating. 

"7amatak bt7bak!" I heard someone say, Reem's grandmother greeted me. I said my hello's and kissed her cheeks, I circled and greeted those whom I knew. Reem wasn't in sight, now she was the one who was going to be murdered.

"Shftaw Reem?" I asked 7amad and Omar, busy stuffing their mouths with foods. They shook their head in unison. 

Reem appeared in view, coming out of the house with Fahad next to her, engaging in a conversation with him, and rather an intense one. I hastily walked towards them, 
"Ahlan!" I greeted them.
Reem froze, soon her changed her expression immediately, grateful for my appearance. Fahad smiled at me, not exactly focused.

"Hi."Reem replied.
"Umm ga6a3tkum?" I asked. 
"La, la khala9na. Shlonich?" Fahad replied.
"Il7mdillah, inta?" I asked.
"Il7mdillah. 3ayal bakamil at3asha, ta3ashaitay?" Fahad asked.
"La ba3ad, al7een ba76li 3ashai." I answered. 

I signaled for Reem to follow me, I started explaining my ordeal with Majid to her and about his e-mails and of course his ultimatum.

"Maynoon?" Reem said loudly, soon covering her lips with her fingers as she realized how loud she was.
"Madri 3anna. Tadreen shlon? Bakhalee iwali, mali sh'3l fee. Basht'3il oo bas inshallah yroo7 mukan thani. Lay3a chabdi minna." I informed her, and it was true.
"Zain tsaween, wallah ma tswa ilsalfa." she concurred.

I finished placing food on my plate, and joined my cousins at their table. Despite their hilarious stories, I couldn't focus on what anyone was saying, I laughed when they laughed and pitched in when everyone offered their opinions. My mind circled on the matter that had happened today, and I hated how attached I was to it.

Maybe Majid was right, maybe it's better for me if I let the past be the past. Bury it and let it rot. 
Howbeit, that could not happen.


The cold bed sheets rubbed cooly against my legs as I slithered inside, my laptop placed above my covers. Despite my fatigue, I knew I wouldn't sleep from over-thinking, so I decided to end this matter once and fore-all. 

With a click of a button was I able to compose an e-mail,

Subject: (Empty)

Istath Majid,

No, I won't talk to you about what you're thinking, I'm smart enough to keep my job. Is our agreement still on? The vent thing, I mean.

I clicked send and waited anxiously for a reply, drumming my fingers on the trackpad impatiently. He had his e-mail on his mobile, so he was able to check his inbox really easily. My theory was correct.

Re: No Subject

Yes, as long as you don't mention what we had talked about. 

Perfect. I felt my brain dance trying to think of what to type next. But I let my heart do the typing.

Re: Re: No Subject.

Thank you, but that was the only thing interrupting my potential.
On another note, I heard you were going to continue your PhD's?

I clicked send. Of course he replied pretty quickly.

Re: No Subject

No I'm not. How does this relate to your job?

I rolled my eyes and replied.

Re: Re: No Subject.

It doesn't, well it sort of does since someone else will replace you. Henceforth revealing my true potential.

I thought it was rude, but it was going to get him talking. I clicked send intrepidly. 
Moments passed 'til he sent the reply, and it was a long one. 

Re: No Subject

I'm sorry you feel this way, but this gives you absolutely no reason to treat me disrespectfully. It's true we have a deal, that doesn't mean our ethics should be banished. I'm starting to rethink this, you're taking this the wrong way and I am not getting anything out of this, I don't understand what you're trying to do here. I find it to be stubborn. 
I'd like to call you right now, is it possible? Or I can postpone it 'til tomorrow and we'll have a chat face to face. What do you say?

Another ultimatum, speaking to him on the phone was way more merciful than face to face.

Re: Re: No Subject.

I'm fine with your phone call now.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and slid away from the sheets. I slipped on my fuzzy slippers and headed to the balcony in front of me. Soon enough he called and I cleared my voice before picking up, my heartbeats racing rapidly.

"Alu?" I answered.
"Ilsalam, Istatha May shlonich?" he greeted unenthusiastically.
"W3alaikum ilsalam, il7mdillah." I replied.
"Bkh9oo9 ilemailat, wayed mistiheena feehum. Adri inna 3indna agreement oo kilshay bas kh6artay il7dood. 3adil?" 

My throat dried up, "Umm madri." I replied.
"La intay kh6artee, oo ana sama7tich bas ham ilmsama7 laha 7dood," he said confidently, "itha moo 3ajbich ilwa'63 3ndna agdar ana bnafsi a7awlich mukan thani bidal hal 3aza ili intay ga3da feeha."

Anger penetrated his voice, and it was scaring the hell out of me. 

"Istatha May?" he boomed. I nearly popped out of my skin, maybe the face to face thing was better.
"Na3am, ee ma3ak. Uhh, la mabi a7awl." I answered.
"Kaifich, bas ra7 ada8i8 3ala kil kalam oo shay tsaweena bl sh'3l. Zain?" 
"Okay." I agreed.
"Inzain. T9bi7een 3ala khair." he replied.
"Winta min ahla." 
He had ended the call before me.

I texted Reem quickly in frustration.

Majid wayed shayef nafsa 3alai hal 7a8eer. Wallah akraha inarfiz 7aaaiiiil!

I set my mobile next to me as the sent message noise sounded off. But something caught my eye. My body heated up abnormally, my face was on fire. I called Reem quickly, my fingers skipping a few numbers, making me redial the whole thing. It finally rang.

"Shtabeen banam!" she whined.
"Reem madri shasawi 7a8adt 3ala Majid ib message oo 6arashtlaya bl '3ala6!" 

Enemy (Part 12)

Surprise post!

Just for clarification, there is no competition between myself and other bloggers. I write for the love of writing. I don't care about the popularity. Comprendo?


Re: Vent?

My heart turned to a beat-box as my eyes read the words intently. He said he won't reply...
I hesitated to click on the Open E-Mail button, but it was going to be opened inevitably. It was just a matter of when.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, to prepare for what I was going to face. Alas, the beat-boxing returned.

Re: Vent?

I know what you're thinking, I broke part of my promise. And for that I'm sorry. I read your e-mail and couldn't dare leave it unreplied. I just couldn't.
And you're right, you aren't supposed to let your personal issues interfere with your professional life.
My apology was nothing; as much as I felt sorry that was all I could say. I was humiliated.
You think I look at you like I completely forgot what had happened? I still haven't forgotten, I almost did but you're forcing me to go back there.
I may not have showed much effort to gain your apology. I wanted you to forget what had happened, but that obviously didn't work. Nothing will, so I gave up, I give up.
I didn't choose to be your bossB. I'm sorry but if that's the way you feel, I can recommend you to other companies who would love to have you there.

Well that wasn't apathetic at all...
I glanced at the clock beside me, my day at work was finished in five minutes.
I composed a new e-mail.

Re: Re: Vent?

So you just want to forget all that happened?
You don't sound sympathetic at all.
You're still the person behind your plans to make my life a living hell. I thought you'd changed.
Guess what? You haven't.
I still don't know how many personalities there are under your skin. There's the Majid whom I trusted, who cared about what I felt, then there was the Majid that enjoyed watching me suffer.
Coming to think of it, I don't think the former exists anymore, he's dead. I do believe it's the latter is who's reading this e-mail right now.
Am I right?

I clicked send. My skin burned as I waited for the reply.

Wainich? Reem texted me.

Ba6awil, I'll catch up with you later. I texted back.

Re: Vent?

My adrenaline levels paced up as I clicked on the button, I wasn't scared anymore. What was I supposed to be scared of?

There are no multiple personalities living inside me, May.
I've been me all along, I just showed my different perspectives with different people, that's all.

I scoffed while rolling my eyes and continued reading.

I want to forget that they happened, because they are unpleasant memories. Why burden ourselves with them?
I'm not just talking about me, I'm talking about you too. Let the past be the past.

Hypocrisy and contradictions are what filled his e-mail. Spattered with lies and conceitedness. Could he get any worse? I composed a new mail for the third time.

Re: Re: Vent?

As much as I want to forget them, I can't. It's not because I have to see you five days a week, but it's because I have to see you five days a week and not remember a bit of remorse from you.
All in all, I've been expecting an apology. You want to forget, but you can't forget before you forgive.

I wiped a tear that nearly escaped my eye, remebering the past was hard, trying to forget it was even harder. I started to remember the events that had happened, how he all got passed it. How my cousins offended me with their harsh words, making me live in constant insecurities and pain. The screen lit up again.

Re: Vent?

I am sorry for what I did. I tried to show it but you obviously didn't get the hints. Want to get a second apology?
I'm deeply sorry for everything that I've done to you.
I just hope this is sufficient enough for the both of us to let the past go. I was naive and stupid, and you were the bait. I set you free -I did a long time ago, but it seems like you're still holding on to the hook.
Am I right?

His apology was through e-mail, great.

Re: Re: Vent?

No you're not. I'm free from you and your ways, not speaking job-wise.
As for your apology it's what I wanted to hear and not read. I want to hear it from you.

I clicked send, I hated this person further and further.


I gave you my apology. I think you're just being selfish. I'm going to exit my office once I get your last e-mail, you still have a day more, though.

Selfish? How was I being selfish? My fingers typed up the final e-mail.

Re: Re: Vent?

I don't see how I'm being selfish. Compared to your previous behaviors, I'm being a damn saint.
I'll meet you outside.

I wasn't afraid to confront him. This time, I owned him.
I packed up my stuff and grabbed my remaining folders from my desk. Majid exited the office with a stern look on his face. I walked up to him speedily, ignoring the never-ending pain of my heels.

"Bakalmich." He told me.
"Ana ba3ad bakalmik." I replied. We walked to a secluded area, avoiding the looks of the remaing employees.

"E-mailatch are getting out of hand." he replied, his dark brown eyes staring deeply into mine.
"Gltli a6arishlik ay shay abee. Hathi ili abee." I retorted.
He bit his lip in aggravation, "Ma kan 8a9di chithi."
"Hatha ili fahamtni."

He sighed as he looked at me, "Sorry, okay?" he nearly spat.
I ignored him and looked around.
"Please insay ili 9ar, ga3d i'6irich akthar mn ma yenfi3ich," He started to beg."Ta2asaftlich oo akthar mn mara, oo hatha gabl sintain, May please."

I sighed and looked at him, he looked regretfull. He was under my control, just what I was aiming for.

"Ashoof." I replied, I wanted to make him suffer. I grabbed my purse from the floor and started to walk away from Majid. The elevator opened up as I stepped inside. My mobile screen lit up.

Bring it up again and I have no choice but to fire you, I'm sorry. I just can't tolerate your bringing up the past anymore. I've changed, I wish you'd leave that hook of yours and just realize that. I've done what you've asked me to do to gain your trust, to let you move on. But your stubborness is getting in the way of everything. Either you move on or let me stay out of it,

Enemy (Part 11)

I'm really grateful for all my supporters! I love you all!
And I hope you did well on that test, K ;)

 (PS my Twitter account is CashmerePoison and my ask is feel free to ask, comment, or vote on the next upload!

Enjoy, again!

I wanted to kick those heels out of my feet and walk barefoot in the office, but I knew it was impossible. Majid didn't call me to his office, and there were three hours left of work. I guessed I was safe.

I wondered about how a person who was once a close friend -a confidant- could suddenly turn into a stranger, a person with whom no personal discussion interfered.
There was more, the stranger soon progressed into an enemy. I hoped it was a reverting cycle, turning back into that friend you were once close with. But one could only dream.

"Istatha May?" Mariam, an awkward and gawky intern said, interrupting my thought.
"Hala Mariam?" I replied, my face scrunched from the annoyance of the heels, I quickly shifted my expression into a smile.
"Umm ilistath Majid yabeech b maktiba." she replied softly, her black hair had covered her eyes for a second before she pushed it away.
"Kal3ada," I muttered, "mashkoora." I told her.

I walked in my toturous heels to Majid's office, almost ten feet away. I knocked on the door, act professionally, I thought.

"Tfa'6ilay." I heard him scream, great, and he'd been expecting me!
"Ilsalam 3alaikum." I said, closing the door behind me.
"W3alaikum ilsalam." he replied with a smirk, obviously enjoying humiliating me.
"Khathait ilhard copy, mashkoora. Sh'3lich zain."
"Mashkoor." I said nonchalantly.

He folded his hands on the desk and stared into my eyes, something was up with him. "Istatha May, umm ilemails ili 6arashnahum ams kanaw, interesting."
So he was going to speak in English, now?
"A7isch 3ndich ashyaa tgooleenha bas khaifa, 3adil?" he asked.
"Shrayek?" I blurted out. I put my fingers to my lips as soon as I realized what I had said.
He chuckled, "Shoofay, bakhali my email yomain, mani mchayek 3alaihum. 6arsheeli ili 7arich in those two days, oo mara7 arfa3 ay shay '6idich. Ay shay. 3ugub hal yomain anything you said will be used against you, okay?"

Why was he doing this? I thought about it silently.
"Ili a6arsha b hal yomain ra7 tgra 9a7?"
"Ee, bas mara7 agool shay. I9eer wala chini garee. A7s 3ndich potential, bas fee shay mwagfich, 7asaita it might help." Majid replied, more serious this time.
He handed me a piece of paper with his signature signed, it stated what he'd mentioned. It was a funny contract, but it meant a lot. I signed it. And I signed my copy of it.
"Okay, mashkoor." I said. I got up from my chair with the copy of the contract with me, "bas hatha 9a7?"
"Ee, bas hatha." he concured.

I nodded and headed back to my cubicle and opened my email. My fingers tingled in excitement. I could write anything. I took a deep breath and composed a new message, I typed automatically, as if my sub-conscious and heart were in charge instead of me.

Subject: Vent?

Majid, or Istath Majid.
My work was fine until you showed up. The events that happened don't feel like they happened two years ago. It feels like they happened two days ago.
What you did to me did affect me, I trusted you as a friend and you betrayed me. How can I trust you as my boss now?
I hate to drag personal matters in my work life, but this is an imminent choice, if that's possible. It's hard to look at you each day like we had no past, like we never were friends.
It's hard to look at you while you look at me like nothing happened. Unlike you, it was and still is hard for me. Two years isn't enough.
You dissapeared and the only apology left was "sam7eeni". That's it. Your only attempt to gain my trust  back. You still don't have my trust.
You are right, I do have potential, but the only obstacle here is you.

I poured my heard out in this e-mail, almost everything I wanted to say was in this e-mail. I smiled at myself in pride and took a deep breath. There was only one thing I could do.
Click send.

I contemplated my decisions, but then I remembered, he won't hold anything against me. He couldn't fire me. My fingers ached to click the "Send" button.
And I did.

My stomach did mutliple flips as if in the Olympics, I put the e-mail thoughts aside as I worked on the remaining documents for the day.
My eyes glanced at the screen, One New E-Mail.
My heart skipped a beat,

Upcoming surprises from Pottery Barn!

I laughed in relief. I was being paranoid.The screen lit up again.

One New Email.

Re: Vent?

Enemy (Part 10)

Back to Enemy! I got stuck with the events, but now I have an idea hopefully. Sorry if it's short, I really have to finish this!

Voting for the next upload starts now! (Via Twitter or comment below)


 "Uff!" I groaned, stuck in traffic. It was almost nine at night and I was nowhere near home.
My mobile started vibrating inside my mustard leather bag as I pulled it out. A strange number called.
I cleared my throat and pressed the green button.

"Aloo?" I answered.
"Istatha May?"

Majid was everywhere.

I rolled my eyes, "Ee, na3am."
"Ma3ach ilistath Majid, ba6arishlich e-mail al7een oo abeech t6bi3eena 7ag bacher, lo sama7tay."

The car next to me nearly deafened me with the loud honk.

I covered my right ear and pressed the phone on my left, "Inshallah."

"Asif, bas wainich al7een?" Majid asked.

Oh, so he was going to butt in my whereabouts now?

"Umm, bl da2iri ilthani, laish?" I replied as politely as I could.
 "Aha, la ikhthay ilda2iri ilawal ba3dain shar3 Dimashq 7ag 6reejich lai ilbait, asra3."

That was unexpected.

"3ayal ashoofich inshallah bachr. Asf 3ala ilz3aj."
"Inshallah, by- ma3a ilsalama."
My face was sweating from the awkwardness. Why did Majid have to be my boss? I took the turn and went to Dimasqus street via the first ring road, just as he had mentioned. He was right, it was faster.

I parked in a weird angle bl garage, next to my dad's car. Kaifa, I didn't feel like fixing it at all!
9a3adt ilbait bsr3a and I headed to my room. I slipped on my pajamas and sat in the 9ala with my laptop and a bottle of water next to me on the couch, taking a gulp while opening my email.

New mail from: majid01@*****.com

These are the documents, please have them delivered on my desk (hard copy) by 1:30 PM tomorrow, thanks.

I groaned as I worked on the document, studying the reports meticulously. This was hard work.

After a good three hours, and two cups of coffee I finally had the work done as I sent it to him via my email. I hope he was up at one in the morning.

The documents are attached in the e-mail, I'll place the hard copy tomorrow on your desk.

I click sent and wiped my eyes, nearly falling asleep on the laptop. I cleaned the place around me and slipped on my slippers, getting up from the couch.
An alert from my laptop popped on the screen.

New mail from: majid01@*****.com

Got them, thanks again. You stayed up working on this?

What the heck did he mean by that?

Yes, does it not pertain to what you asked for?

I clicked send.

The same alert popped up.

New mail from: majid01@*****.com

It does, I just don't understand why you stayed up on it, that's all. 

Shtabi! I wanted to type.

I like to get things done early.

Laa! I instantly regretted sending that!

New mail from: majid01@*****.com

What about the work I gave you yesterday? Why didn't you finish them on time? 
We'll talk tomorrow, e-mails are limiting. Good night. 

I saw that coming. I turned my laptop off as I drifted to sleep.